I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I have a request (received outside of Airbnb) to rent my property long-term (9 months) to the adult (21 year old) child of a couple, and the couple want to be legally responsible for all payments and sign the rental agreement. Is this legitimate? Does it matter that the parents are located out of state? Can I have all three people sign the rental agreement? Can I have the parents sign the state rental agreement and the child book the property via the Airbnb platform? It seems odd that I'd be booking for people who don't actually stay with me. Their rationale is that the child doesn't yet have a credit score, etc.
@Cheryl741 Ugh. Red flags all over this. Just tell them third party bookings are not allowed, if you're talking Airbnb. But if this is not through Airbnb, you can do what you like. Personally, I'd run them off.
@Cheryl741 If the contact was outside of Airbnb then it is just a standard long term rental with a guarantor. If it were English law I would create a standard rental agreement with the 21 year old and then add in the guarantors to the agreement.
Doing this as an Airbnb sounds fraught with difficulty and danger.
Thanks! What's the danger you see specifically? Why not have the parents co-sign a standard rental agreement and then have the child use their parents credit card to pay via Airbnb? I think in my state the lease functions to protect me in the case of evictions. And Airbnb, since the payment comes from the parents credit card, protects me from non-payment (which the lease would not protect because the parents are out of state). Let me know where I'm missing info.
@Cheryl741 why do you want to use Airbnb? The dangers are that there is no security deposit and their terms may conflict with your contract. For long term rentals Airbnb only collect the first month and then you are reliant on them collecting subsequent months from a credit card that can be cancelled. Far better to have a lease with a months security deposit and a default if they don't pay month 2 before the end of month 1.
Personally we run a Short Term Rental business so would not entertain a long term guest at presumably lower rates.
Ok thanks that's useful, I see what you mean. I think if the renter canceled the credit card on Airbnb and doesn't pay, I can evict them for non-payment. The terms of the lease are the same as the terms of Airbnb (month to month rental). I'm not reducing my rate, they're paying full price. I've never required a security deposit before but I'll look into that.
Also Cheryl a person can become a tenant at the end of a very short period of time,thus having rights involving ,being able to stay at the property long after the default on rent ,in fact up until it goes to tenancy court. In Australia during covid all insurance companies removed from the landlord insurance,the right for lost moneys. Maybe get a check on these things H
I suppose it is what we all consider an adult nowadays. In the University town where I am located, this is very common. Parents are "renting" apartments for children (ages 18-23ish) all the time. I've had a few parents contact me via Airbnb inquring about rentals for their children. I've even had parents book my Airbnb for their children during spring break when the dorms close. It's the new world of helicopter parenting.
Thanks yes it looks like this is very likely the case.
Helen744 Hi,
@Cheryl1741 there are no third party bookings thru Airbnb. So that there is no consequent insurance coverage. If it was a worker then the parents could use the other booking system. You are basically letting the tenant'off the hook ' with a consequent long term stay,where really anything can happen.Ask the parents to set up a credit card just for this booking and ask the guest to assume responsibility for your rules etcetera or you risk creating a guest who is not responsible in any way. Many parents and those who host foreign workers are looking for that extra bit of care and homelike atmosphere that they believe Airbnb provide. you should talk with all of them because a lot of thiings can go wrong in nine months . You also need to look at a weekly cleaning fee and access to the house periodically for maintenance. This is really a tenancy and not a short term stay . Maybe read some other threads where people discuss this type of tenancy and the legal ramifications . airbnb fees are rather higher than long term tenancy fees generally and you risk a lkot including all of your possessions not being covered by any insurance . H
Thanks. If the lease they sign is month to month, can't I then have the right to tell the renter that they need to leave at the end of the month for any reason, though? I would never sign a 9 month lease. In my lease it says I have the right to inspect the property with 48 hours notice. Why would I impose cleaning on a tenant-- is that a way to keep checking on the state of the property to make sure that damages aren't occurring? For insurance, don't I have the Airbnb Aircover insurance? Plus I have personal umbrella insurance in addition to homeowners insurance. Is that not adequate coverage? Is this a case where I need landlord insurance?
@Cheryl741 If you have never rented long term before you really need to read up on the rules and regulations in your state. In most places, if someone stays in a dwelling for 28 + days they are considered a tenant. It does not matter if you have a month-to-month lease or no lease at all. You can ask the tenant to vacant for whatever reason, but if the tenant will not willingly leave, you need to go through the court system to get them out. It's a long and costly process and a risk to consider when becoming a landlord.
@ Cheryl1741 This is not a lease. This is trying to jam a full tenancy that would normally be a year into nine months because that is all the parents and the student . You will thru Airbnb sign up for the full nine months agreement not a month at a time according to how you feel. Both you and the guest need to have that surety. the conversation was about how you are paid ,which is monthly . the stay does not cease each month . And yes it is to keep an eye on your property and to maintain it during this period . You seem to be mixing up two different types of stays and think you can pick and choose. Can you imagine what your sheets would look like at the end of nine months,also people after this length of time do start to believe that they own the place and your furnishings and think they pay too much. Also it is virtually impossible to maintain any rules you may have put in place if you simply abandon your guests to themselves.By all means take out a rental with your guest with your property but also protect yourself . H
@Cheryl741 I DO NOT recommend that you rent to this individual via AirBnB. A long term rental is best handled with a rental agreement that is valid in your municipality.
Thanks! What specifically would the harm be in having the child pay via Airbnb and ALSO sign a month to month lease co-signed by the parent, and that lease is valid in my municipality? It seems Airbnb guarantees the payment from the parent via their credit card while the lease protects me in the case of needing to do an eviction.