What would be the title of your hosting biography?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

What would be the title of your hosting biography?

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Hi everyone,


Hosting is no less than a book, where Hosts pour in their creative ideas and experiences — to create a memorable stay for guests. Be it unforgettable guest stories, creating incredible experiences or finding personal growth and satisfaction as a Host — think about the moments that have added great value to your hosting journey!
If you were to write a book about your life as a Host, what would the title be? 📖 Would you be a humorous author, who finds immense joy and quirk in hosting? Or would you be a philosophical Host, who finds great joy in building deeper connections through hosting? We'd love to read the unique title you come up with! 😍



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51 Replies 51

Yes they often do! (makes it completely worth it)

Level 1
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

شكرا لك على سؤالك الرائع 

سوف افكر بجديه بتأليف كتاب عن استظافاتي للضيوف

وسوف يكون عنوان كتابي

في بيتي اجمل ضيف 🤍🙏🏼 


[Translation added by Community Manager]


Thank you for your great question

I will seriously consider writing a book about my guest hosting.

My book will be titled

In my house the most beautiful guest 🤍🙏🏼

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

That's wonderful @عمر2 ! 🌻


Do you have any tips for fellow Hosts about how to create a comfortable stay for guests? Apologies if my Arabic translation below is incorrect or impolite. I am using google translation😅




هذا رائع @عمرو2! 🌻


هل لديك أي نصائح لزملائك المضيفين حول كيفية توفير إقامة مريحة للضيوف؟ أعتذر إذا كانت ترجمتي العربية أدناه غير صحيحة أو غير مهذبة. فأنا أستخدم ترجمة جوجل😅😅



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Level 2
Shah Alam, Malaysia

Connecting people thru understanding of customer journey and experience. Fulfulling beyond customer expectation 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

That's wonderful @Zulhisham0 🥳! Do you have any memorable guest experiences that you'd like to share with the community?



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Level 1
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

إذا كنت ساكتب كتابًا عن حياتي كمضيف، ما هو عنوانه؟

اعتقد انني سوف  اقوم بتسمية

(🏠العالم 🌏في بيتي )

حيث كان  كان يزورني كل انواع البشر بكل مختلف جنسياتهم 

وبالطبع ياتون مع ثقافاتهم من بلدانهم


[Translation added by Community Manager]


I think I would name it : 🏠 The World 🌏 In My House

I was visited by all kinds of people of all different nationalities.

And of course they come with their own cultures from their own countries.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

@مازن0 It's such a beautiful thought. It's amazing to see how it incorporates the spirit of hosting! 🎉  


I'm curious—do you have any favorite stories or memorable moments with guests from different countries that you'd like to share? Apologies if my Arabic translation below is incorrect or impolite. I am using google translation😅




مازن0 إنها فكرة جميلة. إنه لأمر مدهش أن نرى كيف تتضمن روح الاستضافة! 🎉

ينتابني الفضول - هل لديك أي قصص مفضلة أو لحظات لا تنسى مع ضيوف من بلدان مختلفة تودين مشاركتها؟ أعتذر إذا كانت ترجمتي العربية أدناه غير مهذبة. فأنا أستخدم ترجمة جوجل



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