Where oh where did my earnings stats go?

Level 6
Ithaca, NY

Where oh where did my earnings stats go?

Hello Everyone!


I hope everyone is safe and healthy and doing well! 

Ok, I definitely do not love the newest updates in the app. All of a sudden, I can no longer click and see my current monthly earnings. In the good old days, I just clicked progress, and there was everything I needed to know; my booked earnings for the current month (w/ the other months just a click away), my occ rate and other useful stats... things I referenced many times each day. Now, I literally can’t find my monthly earnings anywhere on the app, and I am forced to go the website to get that info. I do all of my business off of my phone, specifically in the app, and I always have. I realllllly don’t like this. 

Thoughts, Fellow Hosts? 

4 Replies 4
Level 2
Morrow, OH

I'm experiencing the same problem.  Literally run this business to earn money and the app doesn't tell me how much money I'm earning.


Level 6
Ithaca, NY


Me, too. I run this as my business, and I need to see what I’m making. Seems like a simple enough request... Isn’t it aggravating??

Level 2
Miami, FL

We are having the same problem. All of a sudden, there isn't a way to view our monthly earnings and occupancy rates under the Performance/Insights tab on the Air BnB app.  This is soo frustrating! Please help!

Level 2
Costa Mesa, CA

yes I have looked everywhere. it’s very helpful to see this at a glance for each month. I certainly don’t want to go in to projected earnings and add everything.