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როგორია თქვენი მოლოდინები წელს?
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Hi sorry if I am repeating the same question. A guest booked a room at my place three months ago and was due this weekend for a 40night stay. I emailed him out of courtesy yesterday to enquire what time he would be arriving, this coming Friday and received a short message to say he had hurt his foot so would no longer be staying. This of course was a massive shock to our current situation. Can anybody advise me of my position legally in this situation as we are now empty for the next 40 days with little chance of getting another booking?
Thanks in advance
Assuming this was all on one booking, and based on the long-term cancellation policy, @Brian1584, you'll receive payment for the first 30 days of the now-cancelled stay.
Take a look at this: https://www.airbnb.co.uk/home/cancellation_policies#long-term, and good luck.
Hi Gordon; many thanks for your reply - I have read many variations on the same theme including the most recent Covid 19 cancellation rules however they all seemed pretty nebulous and should the visitor produce a doctors note it seems like all bets are off? If the 30 day rule is in effect that would be a lifesaver at this point in time. Thanks again for your reply.
Kind Regards
In theory, if your guest booked after 14th March, then they are supposed to provide evidence in order to get a full refund due to COVID-19. They need to actually be sick with COVID-19. A hurt foot doesn't count. Whether the guest can get a full refund under the normal extenuating circumstances policy is another matter. I guess it depends on how badly hurt they are and if they can prove it. I imagine that if they are hospitalised, they might have a fair chance of getting the refund.
Otherwise, if no extenuating circumstances apply, then you should get paid the first 30 days as per the long-term cancellation policy.
It's very strange that the guest did not inform you that he wasn't coming. Is he asking you for a refund or he hasn't said anything about that yet?
PS has he actually cancelled or just told you he's not coming and left the booking in place?
He just told me he was not coming via Airbnb email. He also mentioned that he would be getting a letter from his Dr. I'm super grateful to you guys for getting back to us in these difficult times it's hard to make sense of anything as laws and rules seem to change overnight.
Very warm regards
Unfortunately, if this guest submits a doctor's note to Airbnb he will get all his money back under extenuating circumstances. All they need is a doctor's scribble advising him not to travel (for whatever reason.) It's really unfortunate that he did not cancel right away and allow you time to re-rent the room.
Emilia, omg that's the worst outcome possible! Is there any kind of appeal process? Regards Brian
@Brian1584 For your sake, I hope so. Please report back and let us know how it turns out!
Just wondering is there a UK contact number for AirBnb, I have searched the site and can find nothing? Thanks again.
@Brian1584 See pinned post at top of CC page or do a G oo gle search! 🙂 - Easy! 🙂
Thanks Helen tried that No. no use! Thanks anyway.
United Kingdom | +44 203 318 1111 |
But know that it is extremely hard to get in touch with a real person at this time.
Just for the further edification of anyone unsure as to how this process works I'll update this page with how things roll out. I will never take an advance booking of this length again and am considering taking our property off Airbnb as a result of losing 20% of our annual income for this accommodation from this incident.
Booking made 3 months ago for 40 nights. Heavy discount and meals included agreed. 5 days prior to arriving received this:
I'm getting in touch to inform you that my placement has just been cancelled due to the fact that I have broken my ankle in a climbing accident. I'm absolutely gutted that I can't stay at your accommodation, and so sorry for the inconvenience this causes. As I understand it, I would normally not be able to get a full refund this close to the start of my stay, but if there's any leeway due to the extenuating circumstances it would be greatly appreciated. I am waiting on an official letter from a consultant as evidence if that is required.
Sincere apologies,
Have tried calling Airbnb and going through their switchboard three different ways to no avail.
Whilst looking a little further into this matter I have discovered a site called airbnb///hell// where they cite the following: