corona virus - superhosts

corona virus - superhosts

Hello everyone.....I have asked Airbnb just now about super host status in relation to the Corona Virus.  Bookings, probably world wide will be dramatically reduced and due to this reduction in bookings, many super hosts will not meet the criteria to continue as super hosts.  I am waiting a reply from them....has anyone else asked the question?  If not, maybe a thought to do so too.....

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

An interesting point @Orawan1 


I haven't had any bookings cancelled yet and am way over the critieria you need to meet for SH status, but you are right for hosts in China, Italy etc where they are on lock down, there maybe an impact on their ability to meet SH requirements.


To be totally honest though, I think there are much more important things to worry about at the moment.

We too are well over the criteria to meet SH standard but its the future I am concerned about.  It is certainly not only China and Italy who are suffering with the lack of future bookings but many countries including Thailand (where we are) and the rest of SE Asia.  My family are in Europe and they are also hit with lack of future bookings and this, I fear will continue for many months to come, even if a vaccine is found today. 


I quite agree with your last paragraph but my question still remains for Airbnb to come up with a proposal recognising SH status, or do we all start from scratch when things improve.

Level 3
Woolooware, Australia

Check this post out. Lets get as many SuperHosts commenting on the one article to see what we can do.