I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I have had a booking and paid the deposit since March , I knew this area was going to be popular thats why i booked in advance. The host had the cheek to tell me she was cancelling and would I submit the cancellation presumably as she didnt want any penalties !!! I am furious that now I have to pay hundreds of pounds out for the same type of accomodation through no fault of my own ....I dont mind paying a little more and put this down to a bad experience never to be repeated...
Wholly unaccecptable
I know that you are very disappointed and frustrated. Do not cancel the reservation. It's the host responsibility to cancel if they are unable to provide the accommodation. Depending upon how close to the arrival date the cancellation occurs, you may be eligible for Guest Air Cover assistance: https://www.airbnb.com/aircover.
I told the Host I would not cancel the booking she has now done it !! BUT everyone at ABNB misses the point I am not interested in how the Host is penalised ..I am the customer I want what I ordered not a refund of my own money !!! the whole protocol is wrong why should a customer be hamstrung because a host has an issue , they have now successfully made their problem mine ! outrageous and guest Air Cover isn't worth a light it just means you get a refund of you're own cash how nice
I had the same issue but in reverse. The guest cancelled and wanted me to do it. I politely refused and then she would not do it. The listing sat there blocking my calendar and when she would get around to cancelling I probably would loose the entire opportunity to book my house to someone else. I called AirBNB and they took care of everything for me immediately. They are very resourceful and polite. There should be a way for them to accommodate your needs perhaps with a coupon toward your stay at a more expensive place. I always recommend calling for help! I’d be interested in knowing if you had already done that and what they did for you.
Hi ,
I did finally get some compensation but it still has cost me more than my original booking, why should a hosts issue become
my problem, it has been a very stressful experience never to
be repeated. I booked for business reasons I think hosts forget that this is a business not a sideline , it took me all day plus the night to get some kind of redress
@Simon3323 I understand you are angry, but realistically, Airbnb can't force the host to honor the agreement, all they can do is have some penalties and work to assist the guest in relocating and getting some extra $ if a new property is more costly. It is true that an Airbnb is fundamentally more risky than a hotel because you're dealing primarily with individuals who have one or two listings, not a huge corporation like Marriott.
Well , I am pretty much satisfied with the outcome, however I had my booking in since early March to drop me with only 3 weeks notice is unfair , my lesson learned. Perhaps if the host was to pay the difference of what i originally paid £122 now £430
they wouldn’t be so quick to dump on what is after all the customer! It’s not about being a huge plc it’s about common respect