my account is locked

Level 2
Bursa, Turkey

my account is locked

My account is locked. This is another account. i was very respected host in my area and got alot of love with positive reviews from my guests and had been superhost earlier , i have more than 100 reviews from airbnb hosting and airbnb experience listing and i was never involved in any kind of samming but airbnb locked my account without contacting me or asking any reason of suspious activity, someone from airbnb department contacted me and understood the problem , i was in touch with hıim through email and after weeks of discussion and proves airbnb support team decided to reopen my account and further i can use plateform normally but after that day still iam waiting and my account is still locked. please help 


my account details


regards : Ahmed ali


i am attaching emails of airbnb locked account department team




2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Maybe try Twitter (account: AirbnbHelp) and ask why Airbnb CS is not doing what they promised you.

i reached them through twitter and facebook but yet help to come . i have more than 100 reviews and very sincere to my guests as well. response is very slow and not even guiding properly , iam very worried and unfortunately disappointed after all i was working here since 4 years and suddenly everythjng went lock