"There are a lot of squirrels and birds on this property."

Level 10
Frederick, MD

"There are a lot of squirrels and birds on this property."

Recent guest feedback on a 4 location rating. 


Yes, yes there are.


Are you asking me to do something about this? Pointing out something you think I didn't notice?



16 Replies 16
Level 10
North Bay, Canada

I found in our previous location we got fours for location due to its lack of proximity to everything else they wanted to do. They enjoyed the actual location but many didn’t come to stay full time, rather it was a place to sleep between doing things.  So we got dinged for being more than five

minutes away from they city centre.  Yes, it’s frustrating getting dinged for location when they chose it and there is nothing you can do about it. 

Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain

I wish we had squirrels. But there's been a few guests who exhibit some similarities 😏