won't let me book

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

won't let me book

Won't let me book comes up with this message - 

Your reservation couldn't be completed
We have implemented restrictions that prevent guests from making reservations of entire homes when a pattern of factors suggest that the booking may present higher safety risks (such as parties).
While we know this may be an inconvenience, you still have options. These restrictions don’t apply to hotels or private rooms.
1 Reply 1
Level 10
Paris, France

Hi @Lucie473 

As the Airbnb house party prevent policy are,

  1. If the guest is younger than 25,
  2. the booking listing is close to where the guest lives.
  3. to prevent parties and gatherings in these Covid times.
  4. without a history of positive reviews to book entire home listings locally

Airbnb Announces Global Party Ban,



In other words, booking for Airbnb Entire Home,

The guest should be over 25, look for a longer stay, not on a weekend, not during a major holiday,

far away from where they live and with positive reviews.