Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a good day.
I want...
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Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a good day.
I wanted to let you know that we have updated the booking process to ma...
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We’re updating each Community Center member’s username so it’s unique and easily searchable. Now you’ll be able to make sure you’re mentioning the right @Annie or @Guillermo in your posts and replies.
Here’s how it will work: We will automatically add numbers to the end of your existing username to make it unique. To keep it simple, you won’t be able to further customize your username, but this change should help you find hosts and be found by them in the online Community.
We’re excited about this change and are happy to answer any questions you might have about it. Just reach out to your Online Community Managers here in the Community Center, @Lizzie, @Stephanie or @Quincy.
I would like to pick my own numbers so I can remember them: @Callahan321
thanks much
Callahan McDonough
531 Angier Ave. N.E.
Atlanta.Ga. 30308
I agree with the idea of picking up your own number so it's easily remembered 👍😊👍
Yes, picking our own numbers is much easier. The info is locked into our brains effortlessly. For many people, who may be unable to pick their own numbers - this can create frustration and challenges. Users could potentially become not motivated to use this service.
I also agree that you should choose your owne number, so you can remember it.
@Anna1952 Why do you think it's necessary to remember it? It has nothing to do with your actual Airbnb hosting or travelling account, it's just a way for users to be able to tag each other on this forum.
I was just assigned Cathy78 completely randomly. That totally makes it sound like I was born in 1978. I was born in 1980 and don’t need to be made out to be even older than I am. Being 40 is already traumatic enough...I’ll deal with 42 when I absolutely have to!
Not randomly, as is was the first free number available for your name.
Unfortunately Cathy80 seems to be available also, so you just joined this community a little to early...
Until now Cathy619 is highest numer ever assigned , while Cathy616 is the highest numbered active member now.
I'd like to pick my own number also however I am unsure why we need one. 🤔
@Irene316 You don't get to pick your own number and it seems like a non-issue in my opinion. This forum is the only place those numbers appear.
The numbers got assigned a year or two ago in order to make it possible to tag other users when posting.
When you go to tag someone, so they get a notification that someone has responded to them, as soon as you type the @, a box with only 5 posters in that thread appears. But there might be 15 posters in that thread and the one you're looking for isn't there. So if you start typing in the desired poster's name and number in, that will then appear in a new pop-up box for you to click on.
As there are probably 315 other Irenes who have posted here over the years, just typing in Irene wouldn't work. That's how and why there are numbers after our names.
What does Level 10 mean after your name?
@Ally12 It means you do a lot of talking and typing here in the community center.