Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a good day.
I want...
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Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a good day.
I wanted to let you know that we have updated the booking process to ma...
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We’re updating each Community Center member’s username so it’s unique and easily searchable. Now you’ll be able to make sure you’re mentioning the right @Annie or @Guillermo in your posts and replies.
Here’s how it will work: We will automatically add numbers to the end of your existing username to make it unique. To keep it simple, you won’t be able to further customize your username, but this change should help you find hosts and be found by them in the online Community.
We’re excited about this change and are happy to answer any questions you might have about it. Just reach out to your Online Community Managers here in the Community Center, @Lizzie, @Stephanie or @Quincy.
Thank you for this site. It makes my life easier
Not sure how this works! Some guests are really slobs and disrespectful of hosts’ home and house! Anyway, I do think Airbnb is a great platform but the guests leaves a lot to be desired!
I’d like to pick my own numbers if that’s possible please
I had a really terrible guest that I wanted to warn people about, but could find no place to write such matters where he would not read it on the website. How can I do this? -Joan Autry
Really dont like having my handle changed remotely. Feels faceless, very impersonal and a bit Orwellian. There are plenty of ways people could choose their own as @Tim191 above mentioned...... not a good move Airbnb
Want to pick my own number I have too many "screen names" that i can never remember
@Jacqueline524 But there isn't any need to remember these community center screen names. They are just there so that we can tag the posters we are responding to.
We are happy to be Super host
Dear Airbnb Team, I am always thankful for the untiring support that you have given to me and to the community. The constant innovation made helps both the guests and hosts. Like other views regarding number assigned, is it possible to request the number assigned, mine from 17 to 08. Thank you.
I would like to know my number. Thanks!
@Dush0 That's your number- just as it appears here- you are Dush0 because there aren't any other users here with the name Dush.
Thank you for including me in the group.
I am getting prepare to have a second room with AirBnB. I will the renting one or two. How should I keep track. Anyone have any idea.
I hope everyone is fine and not too stressed.
Happy Fourt
I agree to receive this number
But ineed more instructions
I hope everyone is keeping safe and surviving this though time. I find that for me gardening is a relieve, sitting in the sunshine, watching the kids playing in the street and for my spiritual well being praying and asking God to do the best for all of us.