Sybe | Away until August 3rd - My parents are visiting!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Sybe | Away until August 3rd - My parents are visiting!

Hey everyone,


As the title suggests, my parents are visiting me in London! They live in the Netherlands and due to the pandemic I haven't seen them in roughly 2.5 years, so we have a lot of catching up to do.


I'll be away from the CC starting tomorrow, and I'll be back on Wednesday 3rd of August. In the meantime, @Quincy @Jenny @Emilie and @Stephanie will still be here. 😃


See you next week! 



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10 Replies 10
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Three years is a long time, that's a visit that's long overdue 😃 I hope you have a wonderful time with your family Sybe!


See you next week,





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Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Sybe   Enjoy!  And make the most of every moment!  

Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Sybe enjoy your time with your parents. I understand how they would be feeling as we have flown over to our daughter in New Zealand it has been 3 years. 2 forced flight cancellation. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Laurelle3 Exactly that, with all the travel disruptions and my mom working in elderly care it was quite a challenge but they arrived back home safely now and hopefully they had a good time!



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Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Wow All the best @Sybe @Laurelle3 and lavish those long overdue family gatherings together.


Host Advisory Board Member
Pensacola, FL

@Sybe How wonderful....time with your people.....enjoy and love on them every second you have together. Lots to check up for sure 2.5 yrs.  Take a pic for us to see when you get back.

We will want to hear how wonderful it was.



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Clara116 Thank you, it was amazing seeing them again! Usually I'm okay again after a couple days but this time it felt like their 6-day stay was even too short.


We did a lot though mainly outside London as they've visited a couple times before already. We rented a car and, since I'm the only one with driving experience in the UK, I drove them to Oxford and the next day to the Seven Sisters near Eastbourne. 


I'll need to ask my mom to send over the pictures but I'll upload one soon! Next time they're here I'm planning on renting a car again and drive to Bath or Cambridge.



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Host Advisory Board Member
Pensacola, FL

@Sybe  so glad you had time with your family and I'm sure it was difficult saying bye - time always seems to race past with people we love and its never enough. Good you could take them to places unseen as that always broadens our world with them and others. So happy you have such a fine relationship with your family. Many of us have challenges and when they are of politics and beliefs seems to make life just a little rocky. but love is love and family is family.

I'll be looking forward to seeing a photo. thanks for the report on your vacation with your loved ones.

Blessings, Clara

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands



I'm a bit cut off as my mom's arms aren't that long (her words) but this is us at the Seven Sisters! You can see my nose already has a beautiful burnt colour. 



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Host Advisory Board Member
Pensacola, FL

@Sybe Cool pic....funny, I like those pics the best - not perfect but very real.  Nice burnt nose and all.....hahaha