Creating a cozy and inviting space doesn’t have to be expens...
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Creating a cozy and inviting space doesn’t have to be expensive. As a short-term rental host, I’ve learned that small, though...
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Guests who drive Electric Vehicles, simply get it. Reward them with built-in Level 2 chargers and welcome these environmentally conscious guests with the right resources
Jennifer: Canada has committed to having a full and vibrant Electric Vehicle Fleet by 2030. To support this achievement, there is a need for significant infrastructure to appear throughout the country. I can support such initiatives as a host by making chargers available in our listing.
Here’s how we can get a Level 2 charger installed there are various companies that support incentives/mapping out local chargers or being a part of the network such as:
There are also ways I can support my guests by making an outdoor 110v plug available for my guests to charge their cars overnight. Although it is a slower option, it is still a good one. Once I’ve established a way for guests to charge, I can go back to my Airbnb listing and add it as an amenity. It would be important to let the guests know that we can support EV charging.
Felicity : It sounds like a great idea to be able to help our guests cut their transport emissions when traveling to our country, by helping them travel in an EV. I’ve heard many car hire companies are now increasing their supply of EV’s as the demand grows and the charging networks around the country grow. In some parts of the world and parts of Australia the infrastructure to support this is simply not in place yet. For many guests traveling to our country, renting an EV can not only be a great way to create less emissions but also save money.
Here are a few highlights of what we think about installing an electric vehicle charger :
We are also sharing a few tips we came across for our fellow hosts, that we find valuable to consider while making such a decision :
We would love to know your thoughts on Electric Vehicle chargers and invite you to participate in this discussion :
@Felicity11 Perhaps the other side of the argument needs to be made as well just for balance:
1) Electric vehicles have a huge environmental footprint in their manufacture which means many will not be environmentally friendly over their lifetime.
2) In some countries the pollution is just moved to the gas/coal powered generating stations so there is no positive environmental benefit at all
3) Road damage is increasing due to the added weight of EVs which is again a net negative to the environment
4) Particulate matter from EVs additional weight causing greater tyre wear can actually be greater than from a modern internal combustion engine care.
What EVs do do though is make people happy that they are saving the environment........
you are right, two perspectives for sure.
Here in Canada, we have farmers who are taking elements from the batteries and using them to fertilize fields as the elements are from the earth and needed for plant life.
so some good for a third perspective
here is the link
Thank you for reading the article and for your comments on EV cars.
There are many myths around EV cars and the emissions they may create over there life time and the impact of mining for the resources needed to make a battery.
1 In regards to the emissions created from the manufacturing of an EV I have this from the EPA.Gov site that you may like to read.
"Some studies have shown that making a typical EV can create more carbon pollution than making a gasoline car. This is because of the additional energy required to manufacture an EV's battery. Still over the life time of the vehicle, total GHG emissions associated with manufactring , charging and driving an EV have zero tailpipe emissions and are typically responsible for significantly fewer GHGs during operation". There is more information in the link below.
2 As many countries around the world look work to reduce the emissions they create we will see our energy grid clean up. Typically electric vehicles have a smaller carbon footprint than an ICE ( gasoline) car and if we add into that mix, charging the electric car with clean energy the emissions it creates are much lower. Clean energy is not available in every country but there is growing demand for it and many countries are stepping up Clean Energy generation and seeing coal mines closing - slowly. Building the infrastructure takes time and money. Some countries are making this a priority.
3 & 4 In regards to the damage to roads from the extra weight I do not know what to say.
On a more positive note I heard a great story earlier this year from an importer of used EV's into Australia. He had not been to Shanghai since 2019 and was able to visit again in April this year. He made the comment that 30% of the cars on the road were electric. The flow on effect of this was a visible difference in the air pollution and the noise on the road - that sounds great to me.
Sales of EV's look set to rise around the world. Like many products they will not be the perfect transport solution, however I do think they are a better solution to travelling in an ICE car.
With EV car sales rising and more car rental companies increasing there fleets of EV's we are going to see more guests travelling with EV's. To me it makes good business sense to know more about what is needed to attract guests traveling with an EV and be able to stand out from other listings.
When I first starting hosting in 2012 many hosts did not offer free wifi for there guests or only a limited amount for a small cost. These days free wifi is an expected amenity in many parts of the world. In 10 years time EV charging in homes may become an expected amenity like this!?
You are right these EV cars do make people happy, and are a lot of fun to drive!
New to Airbnb... and one of the features that I am specifically looking for is the offering of an EV charge station or the ability to plug in and charge our vehicle; so thank you for engaging in this conversation. While planning a road trip across Canada, we will be looking for this amenity.
If I could share with your readers:
* We installed a home charger offered on an incentive program - yay. $900.00 cdn
* Based on our hydro electricity rates in Manitoba, Canada - a fill for our Chevrolet Bolt which takes us roughly 275 - 300kms = $4.00 - yup.
* Our Chevrolet Bolt - is within 200 lbs of a gas powered Chevrolet Trax but less than a pickup truck - study out of USA puts emphasis on cargo trucks not passenger cars causing road damage.
* Rubber particulate lost from tires is actually the same for gas cars and electric - physics and the lbs/sq inch of rubber touching the road - just saying.
* The minerals used in an EV battery amount to 7 - 20 kg used for the making, and life, of the battery. Every time a gas car is filled a resource is removed from our earth.
So while we are trying to do better, but still want to do a road trip. We will be seeking lodging at green facilities where possible and those that offer EV charging.
Great idea! Two thumbs up!
We considered installing a vehicle charge station for guests, because we have just had a Smart Solar system installed.
Seemed to make a lot of sense as well as a marketing opportunity.
Was not until we discovered the cost of doing so, that we thanks.
Cost around $3000 NZD. including install.
Might have thought differently if we already had, or planned to have an EV our selves. (No and Not)
Also could not figure if this would be a add -on charge for guests and how to do so. Cant see it paying for it self.
FWIW...we get guests with Hybrids and never had any with full EVs
Great to hear your experience on EV charging.
It is a relatively new feature for home owners and I think it will be slow to be taken up. One thing hosts can do to help guests to travel with and EV is to know what charging apps to recommend to guests and any local deals.
We know that at our local shopping mall there are 6 phase 2 tesla chargers and they are FREE to use right now. We also know that if a guest rents a car through the car network SIXT they will get free charging on the associated car charging network.
Sales of EV's are increasing around the world and more hosts are going to be asked questions about where a guest can charge so it makes sense to get ahead and find out the answers to this. EV sales in Australia are up to 8% of all new cars while in New Zealand sales up to 20% this year.
we have an EV charger, but only because we have two Tesla's
I would not install a charger specifically for guests
It's expensive, and so is the electricity it uses.
I would point them to the nearest charging station.
I realize that living in The Netherlands (or Noway) makes life easy. We have many (super) charging stations, covering the country.
@Felicity11 we have installed a regular power point outside on main residence near guests parking space after a future guest asked if we had one.
The next topic is. Do you charge extra or it is part of your accommodation charge? This is a question being asked on Australian Airbnb FB page. Costs are also discussed.
I think there will be more discussions on this topic when more EV cars are imported into Australia and on the roads.
I believe it's not wise to include the charging cost as part of the accommodation fee. To ensure profitability, the charging cost should be borne by someone. If you include it in the nightly rate, those without electric cars will subsidize it unless you're willing also to purchase a tank of gasoline for these guests 🙂
@Bob297 thank you for the tip. To this date we have not had an EV owner stay the possible reason we are coastal rural but I am sure when more cars are imported into Australia things will changed.
The Australian Airbnb FB page discussions have been related to the future EV's and of costs. It has been an interesting topic and discussed to inform the understanding of EV electrical charging ports and the costs to hosts with our electricity prices which is different in each state.
Thank you again Bob for the tip we have made no changes.
@Bob297 Yup, exactly. Power for electric cars are akin to fuel costs for petrol cars. How is that a cost that should be included in Accommodation unless the host is overcharging and the other guests don't mind being ripped off.
Hi @Laurelle3
Oh I wish I was coming to stay with you! We need to help home owners understand that all an ev owner needs is a 3 pin socket and there own charging cord and then they can charge up - it will be slow.
I am going to do a cost analysis for EV charging and and post about this and I hope I can show how much it may cost a home owner to let a guest charger there EV on a slow 3 pin power point/ Granny charger or if the home owner installs a phase two charger and decides to charge for this how they home owner can pass on the charge or not - they can decide.!
A wonderful amenity that I think will be searched for by more guests!
My last guest who asked to charge their electric vehicle cranked the heat up to 75 degrees on a beautiful summer day. So I am not sure how much they simply "get it."