Preparing Your Home for Emergencies

Level 2
South Jordan, UT

Preparing Your Home for Emergencies

Preparing Your Home for Emergencies

Note: This plan is a general guideline and may need to be adjusted based on specific property conditions and local emergency procedures.



Your safety is our top priority. This plan outlines essential steps to take in case of an emergency requiring evacuation of the property.


  • Airbnb Host: [Host's Name] - [Host's Phone Number]
  • Property Manager (if applicable): [Manager's Name] - [Manager's Phone Number]

General Preparation

There are many things you can do to prepare your home for potential emergencies. Consider the following.


Evacuation Routes

  • Primary Exit: [Clearly describe the primary exit from the property]
  • Secondary Exit: [If available, describe an alternative exit]
  • Assembly Point: [Designate a safe meeting location outside the property]

Utility Shut-Off 

Locate the shut-off valves and levers for utilities. Provide directions for how to turn off the water, electricity, and natural gas lines inside and outside your home.


Evacuation Routes

  • Familiarize yourself with the property's layout, including exits, stairs, and fire escape routes.
  • Identify at least two escape routes from each room.

Emergency Supplies

  • A flashlight with extra batteries is located [location].
  • A first aid kit is located [location].
  • A fire extinguisher is located [location].

Evacuation Procedures

  1. Sound the Alarm: If you discover a fire, activate the fire alarm immediately.
  2. Evacuate Immediately: Exit the property calmly and quickly, closing doors behind you.
  3. Account for Everyone: Ensure all occupants are accounted for before exiting.
  4. Call 911: Once outside and safe, call 911 to report the emergency.
  5. Do Not Re-enter: Under no circumstances should you re-enter the property until emergency personnel give the all-clear.

Assembly Point The designated assembly point is [location, e.g., front yard, neighbor's house].


Additional Information


Planning for Challenges

When planning for disasters, it’s helpful to:

  • Consider the disruptions possible in your area (fire, flooding, hurricanes, etc.).
  • Make plans for the disruptions that may happen to your guests.
  • Make a communication and reunification plan (consider directing guests to a nearby church or community building).
  • Think about your guest’s potential special needs.
  • Update your plans on a regular basis.

Emergency Kit Basics

An emergency kit can help your Airbnb guests be prepared if they need to leave your home for a brief period. Think through these needs as you put together a portable supply kit:

  • Shelter
  • Food and water
  • Basic Medical supplies (bandages, aspirin, etc.)
  • Light
  • Communication (provide guests with contact information to local support options e.g., church, fire dept., hospital, etc.)
  • Cash (guest responsibility)
  • Change of clothing (direct guests to local thrift stores, etc.)
  • Entertainment/comfort items (games, balls, puzzles, coloring books and crayons, books.)
  • Other needs unique to your guest's situation

Once you have created your emergency kit, be sure to check it regularly. Children grow out of clothes, food expires, and plans change.



Robb Shirley
1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Robb308 😁
Thank you so much for this guide. This information would greatly help many Hosts in our community.
Looking forward to keep reading your great contribution in our community 🤗




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