A unique profile number is assigned to each Airbnb membe...
A unique profile number is assigned to each Airbnb member when they create their profile. This number is rarely used beca...
Hello to register your listing with mass tax connect do the following:
1.log onto masstaxconnect.com
2.create an account (you will need to make a username and create a pin. You will need to give your social security number contact telephone number, address and the amount of your last refund from the state of Massachusetts, not your federal amount.) You will receive an email that confirms your request to create an online account. After this nothing happened for me so i logged on to masstaxconnect a week later and selected in the log on to my account section, the forgot my password button. I thin entered my username and it prompted me to change my password (which I never had the opportunity to this point to create), then successfully created a password after receiving a verification text which I entered in.
3. Log onto your account using your username and the password you just created.
4.In the right margin, click on add an account type
5.Click on room occupancy consolidation
6.answer questions after entering in your address and having it verified, regarding your type of rental.
7. hopefully once you click on submit you will receive a confirmation email of your request and get a certificate of registration number which starts with a c and is 10 digits.
Hope that helps as I sort of had to figure this out on my own!
@Kim2295 I received my confirmation email for room occupancy consolidated but my account number starts with ROC then eight numbers, a dash, and then three more numbers.
its not in the form Airbnb wants
is there a way too correct this?
@Adam1963 Did they eventually send you a certificate number after the temporary ROC?
My number starts with ROC as well, and never changed from ROC. Then, the same as you, eight numbers, a dash, then three numbers. Did you ever get this figured out?
@Mass1390 You need to select - More > Access > Add a New Account Type or Location
(re-posting to a more recent certificate question from May 2024]:
@Mass1390 Once I registered our new short-term rental on Mass Tax Connect (as 'Room Occupancy Consolidated', and rec'd a confirmation number that my submission went through, I was able to find the certificate number under my Mass Tax Connect account / login. (It was NOT emailed to me!).
To find your certificate number: Login to your Mass Tax Connect account, go to 'Summary' (should be the landing page upon login), where you can see your 'Room Occupancy Consolidated short-term rental /business address.
From here, click on 'View Operator's Properties'. This will take you to your list of registered properties (or the only property you registered), and you will see a 'View Certificate' link. This opens a clean MA Dept. of Revenue PDF which shows the certificate # and has a half-page official looking printable summary of the certificate of registration as required by MA state law.
Mass Tax Connect was not a super-straightforward process but once you've made it through the registration process, finding the certificate should be the easy part! Hope this is helpful.
@Mass1390 Same here, any solution? Is the ROC # some kind of temporary # that will then update? Removing the RO before the C it's still 1 digit too many for the Airbnb format.
Hi @Kim2295 , I am trying to register with Mass Tax connect for our airbnb too. What type of an account did you create? Was it "Register a business" or "Register an Individual"? Also, if business, how long did it take for you to create your FEIN?