1st horrible experience with my guests

1st horrible experience with my guests

Dear all, thanks for your support and precence.


I got horrible guests insulting me calling me "poor idiot girl" for example. They steel and have broken some stuff in my appartment. I had to complain with Airbnb against then. During the last days they write me messages to insulte and humiliate me. It is hard. He threats me to kick me and my friend. Do you have a suggestion what can I do now?  I took some pictures to support my complain, they said they will come back to me. Should I continue to wait and being insulted without dairing to come back at my appartment?  Sorry to have been long but it is only a summary of the problem.

7 Replies 7
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Adeline40  I reviewed your listing and reviews and found that you have two very negative reviews with similar themes related to the cleanliness of the space and the use of the kitchen.  The rest of your reviews appear to be very positive.  


To your current issue, if you are afraid of or are being harrassed by an Air BNB guest, you should flag the guest using the flag below the profile name.  Also, you should contact Air BNB so they can see the harrassing messages.  Here is a link to a guide for contacting Air BNB


Thanks Linda for your answer. I flagged the guest. Can the do the same against me?  I took these 2 negative reviews seriously by extra cleaning my appartment and asking someone professional to do it.

Hi, @Adeline40, these guests sound dangerous, and I would be worried about that. Yes, call Airbnb immediately, hopefully their bad behavior is documented on the message system. Also, if you are feeling unsafe, call the police and get those people out. Insults and dangerous behavior (the guests saying they are coming back for you) raises many red flags. You don't have to put up with this behavior- no one should be made to feel unsafe in their own space. I wouldn't worry about the review. It is more important they leave as soon as possible.

Hi Kate, thanks for your support. Do you know why it is allowed for these guests to post a dramatic and bad review in my profile? Moreover they forced the door of my room, they have stealed, etc.. For evy action I have sent picture to Airbnb to support my complain. I get no answer. Financially they were supposed to stay 14 nights and give me 500 dollars. For all the troubles they made, should I really remburse then? Thanks in advance for your reeply, Adeline

I would let Airbnb handle everything, and let them refund in line with your cancellation policy. I would not offer them any additional refunds, and I would insist they communicate with Airbnb if they want to report problems or issues. If they leave a retaliatory review, ai would call Airbnb and explain what happened. Keep everything on the Bnb message board

Hi @Kate157, Thanks again.

I complete agree with what you have said but how to call Airbnb to get help? I have sent many pictures to demonstrate all the damages made in my appartment during the last week. I never get any ansmer from Airbnb. What I have seen in my airbnb profile is - 450 $ for my guests. That's unfair. How can I call Airbnb? Many many thanks, Adeline

Hi j@Adeline # 855-424-7262 is supposed to be a good one to reach customer service. Good luck!