A host is asking for an additional "accomodation tax" when we arrive in Rome.

A host is asking for an additional "accomodation tax" when we arrive in Rome.

She wants to charge us $3.50 each per night, another 75 or 80 Euros.

Is this normal or acceptable? Our other Italian hosts have not.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Vatican City, Vatican City

@Robin24  your host asks the right in rome the city tax is 3.5 euro person/day max for ten nights...

here you can read on the website of Rome municipality is in italian and in english...




Inviato da Cellulare
- Ignorare errori di battitura e correzione automatica. 😉

thank you very much. i just googled it and saw it. 

Level 10
Vatican City, Vatican City

OK perfect...... 🙂


Inviato da Cellulare
- Ignorare errori di battitura e correzione automatica. 😉