Add note to reservation

Level 2
Scotland, United Kingdom

Add note to reservation

Hello, this is my first year of hosting.


I was wondering whether it is possible to add notes (to myself) to a reservation, for example "pick up from ferry port" "requires vegan breakfast" "on honeymoon" etc. 


hope some one can help and hoping that any responses are sent to my inbox, or do I have to keep checking the forum?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Yes you can add notes to yor self - follwo the path below


Host(house icon)

Manage Listing (click on listig which will open default calender page)

Click on any date and a screen will pop up to teh right of the calendar.Scroll to the buttom of teh screen and just above teh 'cancel' & 'Save changes' options, there is an option  'Add note'. The notes are private soonly you will be able to see them.


Yes you can add notes to yourself , follow the path below-


  • Host(house icon)
  • Manage Listing (click on listing which will open default calendar page)
  • Click on any date and a screen will pop up to the right of the calendar. Scroll to the bottom of the pop-up screen and just above the 'cancel' & 'Save changes' options, there is an option  'Add note'; the notes are private and will only be seen by you


BW, Ama


BW, Ama



I like a Note where I can see it alongside messages with guest (not in the calendar). The reason is that guests call and tell important stuffs (such as check-in time), but I cannot see it in the messages.

Level 10
Key West, FL

I use google calendar for this. I set a time so it pops up early "three guests" extra pillow...airport pickup etc...

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

If your notes are guest expectations, you could summarize the expectation in a message on Air BNB message system and use that thread as a reminder.  @Tom416  another value in doing that, is if there is an issue that requires Air BNB intervention, the message can be seen by the Air BNB rep.   Just a thought

I do not think an intervention should be based on something that I write about guest, because he can deny verbal conversation.


Also I do not like to overwhelm guest/myself with something like CC myself!


Any business has a CRM (customer relationship management) where notes about customer is separate than emails to him...