AirBnB Host complaint

Level 2
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

AirBnB Host complaint

I am an Airbnb host but I write this as one of several neighbours who is being impacted by an inconsiderate host. 


Most of the guests who stay at the host's listing end up causing a disturbance with loud noise, drinking and music well into the early hours of the morning. 

In the beginning we contacted the host to ask that they stipulate no parties or events. This however didn't resolve the issue. 


The host no longer responds to our messages about their noisy guests and neither does the host return our phone calls. We have had to resort to asking the guests to keep their noise levels down - this at all hours of the night - and when this doesn't work we call the police to intervene. 

Why is this our problem to sort out??


As a neighbourhood we have used the AirBnB Neighbors facility to log multiple complaints dating back to March 2018, but this hasn't helped one bit. I've even resorted to phoning AirBnB to ask for assistance in getting the host to take responsibility for their guests' constant disregard for the families in the neighbourhood. 


An example of how bad the situation is, one neighbour has sited this host's refusal to cooperate as one of the reasons they've decided to sell their house - think about that for a moment! This is a serious problem and its getting no priority from AirBnB. 


Why should my weekend be impacted by an inconsiderate host who refuses to deal with the noise their guests make. 


Has anyone had any joy from AirBnB in a similar situation and to what lengths did you have to go to in order to get some assistance from them? 

8 Replies 8
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

I would try posting on their social media.

Level 10
Kraków, Poland




You and your neighbours might consider covering his/her property in broken eggs, that might bring him to his senses. It will not only smell bad but it will be a hell of a mess to clean up, additionally, it should bring the most recalcitrant owner to heel.

On my property, the way I dealt with this nuisance was to turn the electrical power off and it seems to work, it was not long before the offending tenants moved on.




Level 2
Scottsdale, AZ

It’s kind of scary reAding your post here. The reason is that my wife and I have this some problem. I’m an Airbnb Superhost but who cares right? Airbnb doesn’t care. We also have a property that is being setup for the Airbnb Plus program but we are going to need to pull it because we don’t want one of our guests to be horrified by staying in our property only to find out that they are being tortured by another Airbnb property next door.


our situation is really bad and we’ve complained to Airbnb multiple times over the past year. I can tell you as a professional that Airbnb seems to do absolutely nothing about this. The Airbnb property in question here next door to us is rented out like a big party pad, stuffed at times with over 20 guests, often drunk, screaming kids, etc. Sometines the partying goes on all night. The property even has an outdoor basketball court that stays lit up all night and guests think it is okay to have a wild, drunken basketball game in the late hours or early hours in the morning. Imagine what that us like.


Each time we complain to Airbnb we go online and complete the typical Airbnb form. We give them all the details but really never hear back with anything satisfactory. Each time a new set of guests come the problem starts all over again. 


How can we possibly be good hosts and make the experience good for our guests? Thus us a nightmare situation and one that Airbnb really needs to address.





Level 2
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Hi Keith,


Agreed - i find it incomprehensible that AirBnB cannot intervene and influence the situation. 

How hard would it be for them to write to the Host with a warning that should they not rectify the siutation, AirBnB will suspend their account for a period of time. 


Why is it up to those who are impacted by the situation AirBnB has created ? 

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom neighbours can log a complaint with Airbnb about problem hosts.

Level 2
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Hi Helen,


As per my post, we as a neighbourhood have logged multiple complaints for over 6 months now with no result nor response from the host. 

Frustratingly, AirBnB keep referring me to this option. 

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Then contact your local media about the story.


And contact Airbnb on social media and ask why you have complained to them and the host for six months about noise and disruption but still problems contineu.

Level 3
North Andover, MA

Airbnb asks this question: "Does the problem property make us money?"  

It would be a different story if guests were dying.