AirBnB calendar does not sync to VRBO!

Level 2
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

AirBnB calendar does not sync to VRBO!

I am soliciting ideas. . . .

I have a listing with VRBO, as well as AirBnB. However, my AirBnB reservations are not showing up in my VRBO calendar. 

I spoke with VRBO, and they said that AirBnB knows about the problem, but has not provided VRBO with a working iCal link.

Does anyone have a workaround for this problem?

68 Replies 68

Same problem here. Error message "Please check the url you entered. If the problem persists, please contact the calendar provider for assistance."

Having the same problem after it worked properly for months, very frustrating.

I am also having the same issue for a couple of days now. My Airbnb calendar imports correctly into my FlipKey account, so it could be a VRBO issue with receiving the import. It is really concerning though after it has worked consistently for a while.

Level 2
Entrecasteaux, France

Hi Alex,

I have been trying to solve this problem also without much success. It seems not all users encounter it.

I have tried with other browsers same deal.

So far what I have managed to do is import my Airbnb calendar to, and although the synchonisation is perhaps not totally reliable ( I am keeping an eye on it for now) ,  from there I have succeeded in importing my calendar to all the other homeaway sites.

I am hopeful and confident this issue will be resolved soon.

Happy hosting,


My update on the calendar export/import: Although accepts the airbnb calendar, i am finding out it does not actually sync..


Level 2
Entrecasteaux, France

To anyone concerned,

I am using another solution now which is to import the calendar into Airbnb.. Meaning I only need to keep the cal up to date. I do not like this solution for I would prefer for Airbnb to host my reference calendar but for now it works, so until Airbnb's export link becomes compatible with homeaway this seems the best solution to me.


Level 1
Carmel, CA

I have to type in my vrbo calendar onto airbnb.......they say they are synced but they are not. Help

AirBnB is also not syncing correctly with my Outlook. It works for a while, and then stops updating. I have been deleting my calendars in Outlook every week and replacing them. Not a perfect solution - but it helps some. Shame on Airbnb for not solving these issues in a more timely manner or at least give us some information about a resolution.

Level 1
Denver, CO

I have VRBO and Airbnb also.  I had to re-enter the link twice and then it worked.  But now, I'm finding that it only works for new reservations.  If a current reservation changes, or is deleted, the VRBO calendar doesn't see that change.  Currently Airbnb has my Christmas week blocked erroneously!  So I have to get that figured out ASAP!  Any thoughts.?

Same, it is impossible to keep track on one calendar.  The guests are unclear and seem unsettled, AirBnB doesn't collect taxes which are REQUIRED so we have to pay out of our rent.  Nor does it allow us to add or collect pet fees etc.  Don't like the busness model at all. Probably dropping them soon.  How are they the "biggest'??  whenever we can we route guests away from AirBnB.  No help line to call.  It's just a machine.

Level 2
Michigan, United States

Lots of options appear AFTER listing your item. I would suggest an overhaul once you list to see what other options appear. Example: "Pets Allowed" is under "House Rules" and there is a "Additional Rules" comments section for things like pricing. It's rather... stressful but it did work out alright. Doesn't calculate cost correctly. Website could use some updating. Hope that helps?

Level 1
Anacortes, WA

I dont think either company wants you to list your property on both sites- its compition. So they are not willing to put forth that much energy. [Email hidden]

Having the same problem. Support tells me they will have someone look into it and they never get back to me... Any updates on a workaround?

Having the same problem. Support tells me they will have someone look into it and they never get back to me... Any updates on a workaround?

Its baaaaack!  I notice this thread went dead for almost a year, and now a dozen of us are reporting it in the last week. @Lizzie the admin . . .  where are you???  Maybe if we start using verboten words, she'll read this and get someone's attention?


We have popular homes and are booking fast and furious . . . my guess is this problem is HUGE and most people are sleeping through it, are double booked, and won't figure out how widespread the technical glitch is on ABB's end until summer, when all the double guests start showing up.