Airbnb Allows Guest to Cancel Entire Booking Even if they Stay Overnight

Airbnb Allows Guest to Cancel Entire Booking Even if they Stay Overnight

I had a situation last night where a wonderful sweet guest booked three nights at my home. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a good fit for her so she decided that she will stay for one night only. However, unfortunately, Airbnb doesn’t give guests the option to modify so instead around 1:30AM I got a notification that the guest is canceling their booking. 


I assumed they were leaving in the middle of the night as the payout showed I was no longer being paid. 


I reached out to Airbnb and was instructed to contact the guest in the middle of the night so I did. She explained she is still staying the night. 


My concern is, why does AIRBNB allow for cancellations after midnight and when the guest is still staying?


There should be different options provided to guests such as:


Cancellations are only allowed before midnight and you must depart the premises and check out. 


Modifications are allowed  anytime before or during the stay. 


I dont understand how this can be allowed.  Not only does my app say that no one stayed last night, but I have no financial trail either. What if a crime was committed and all I have is something that says the guest never stayed and that they canceled.  


What if damage was done to my home and my insurance needed proof of occupancy but my Airbnb has contradicting information, such as a canceled reservation, no funds for the nights stayed and just a conversation with a guest?!!!


I mean conversations are nice but if someone is questioned they can always deny it! I need proper proof. 


this is unacceptable. I need proper and accurate documentation of cancellations, modifications and stays at my home and I also need the paper trail. And guests need it too. God forbid if there are any criminals out there that could harm their guests they could simply take their phone and cancel the reservation and deny a guest stayed! And same goes to hosts, it’s not accurate. It’s not ok.   Lastly, if Airbnb had a policy that says no refunds after a certain period they should honor it. 


One more thing, in 2017 I always received payment for my Airbnb the day before or the day of the guests stay. Now I get it one or two days after they depart. It’s very frustrating and it’s not the guest (the guests are wonderful) but it’s  Airbnb that I’m frustrated with! 

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