Airbnb Site Problems at check out still continue to happen :/

Level 1
Queen Creek, AZ

Airbnb Site Problems at check out still continue to happen :/

We use Airbnb full time this year for travel purposes. This means when we leave one Airbnb, we head to another - for the past 10 months. With that said the past two months I have had HORRIBLE site problems at check out.  The first they mischarged me (said they didnt). At check out I aggreed to the payment and after check out / processing, it was hundreds more. Not during a quote - during the "you agree to pay $xxxx.xx , select YES to continue" type of check out. Then billed for more. This is unauthorised charging ! I won't even get into the problems trying to get that resolved and with no proof.  The lack of communication with even with management was appauling to say the least. Finally the owner got so tired of a month going back and forth on the issue of payment she withdrew her own home from the site. She stated "Airbnb is just too complicated, I'd rather rent it out myself" WOW!  In turn we did get our money back because she pulled out of the deal but otherwise we would have been out of luck (and out of an extra $530 we didnt agree to pay.)


Also my credits show but dont apply at check out but the BIGGEST problem recently was at check out - dont worry NOW I RECORD CHECKING OUT - i agreed to the ammount , selected the card I wanted to use from the saved cards on file. Wouldnt you know it - AIrbnb selcted a different card . In short there are major technical errors going on and no one seems to take this serious in managment. I thought the first issue we had with them a month ago was a fluke and I just happen to get the most inept manager possible. We decided to record check outs just in case thankfully. The second time after the beginning technical problems , they screw it up again. This is not a fluke - their systems needs looking at. ps. Please fire "Mark" while your at it lol. Legit about to loose someone who supports this company. No longer worth it for all the time and trouble handlng damage control after check out.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Heather426   Yes, the platform is notably flawed and a great source of frustration to many.

I'd suggest you submit this to airbnb directly- via Twitter, as they are sensitive to guest complaints made public. It's fine to vent here, lots of hosts and guests do, but this is just a community forum for hosts and guests- airbnb doesn't seem to pay any attention to most of what is discussed here.