Airbnb address?

Airbnb address?

Hi, we are new to hosting.  I have someone who saw my listing on Craigslist asking what the "Airbnb address" of my listing is.  Is there one with Airbnb?  I know with VRBO there is a number you can put in to pull up a lisiting.


Also, I have not been able to find a telephone number to ask questions to as a host; do any of you have one?


Any assistance would be great.


Thanks Caren

3 Replies 3
Level 3
L'Alcúdia, Spain

I had this problem too, and I haven’t found a solution yet. It seems you can’t direct people to your own page, they have to search the area and hope your listing shows up. It’s very frustrating!

There are customer service numbers in the help section, good luck. 

@Caren--And-My-Husband-Cr0 @Ros-and-Chris0

When you are on the listing page, on the right side upper corner of the listing pic there will be 2 boxes "Share" and "Save".


Click on SHARE then you can select to send a link thru FB, Twitter, email, ABB messenger.

You can also just get a copy of the link like this~ (click "Copy Link" - then if will show as "Link Copied") 


This is my listing 🙂



Thank you Jessica and Henry, that’s very helpful.