Airbnb ownership

Level 2
St. Louis, MO

Airbnb ownership



Airbnb has plans to go public through an IPO.  The general public will be able to buy shares in the company.  Many companies do this to pay back initial investors and to raise capital for future investment.  


This is such an important topic and I'm not sure the proper way to begin a proper discusssion with Airbnb.  I agree wholeheartedly that superhost should be given the opportunity to purchase shares before the general public.  If Airbnb is going to sell shares in order to pay back original investors they might as well allow the superhost in the frontline that are generating the revenue to be able to invest in Airbnb the company. 


A couple of good benefits Airbnb would reap by allowing superhost to invest in Airbnb the company include exclusivity of listings as well as additional local support while regulations are being rolled out.


Exclusivity to Airbnb is going to be a big deal.  Airbnb has and is going to continue to have competition: Homeaway, VRBO,,,, Expedia, and even Priceline.  If I listed my properties on every home sharing website available then guest will shop the internet for the cheapest price for the same property.  Airbnb is building a nice brand, but I believe the winner will come down to who has the best host accompanied with the best properties.  I propose that superhost that own shares will also sign an exclusivity agreement to Airbnb.  We list our properties exclusively on and not with any of the competiton. 


In my local area we have a facebook group.  Many host are asking other host to attend town hall meetings in their respected area or municipality when short term rentals will be a major topic.  I wondered why I would attend to promote an area other than my own.  This would be me assisting my competition considering my city is already friendly to short term rentals.  If host had ownership in the overall business then we would be much more likely to unite to help mold favorable regulation throughout the country. 


Im sure we can think of other reasons why this would be a good deal for all sides.  Where do we go next?  How do host get into contact with Airbnb besides their customer service dept? 

6 Replies 6



"If host had ownership in the overall business"


....I would imagine that any hosts share of the AirBnb business will be absolutely miniscule and their voting rights on the company policy will be..none existant......given the way they create preferential shares, and such like, with preferential voting rights for those "prefered, orginal investors " who want to stay key policy controllers...


I personally think its a big hope, if you think that hosts would end up with some kind of control on policy or regulation....housing/short term rental regulation largely depends on the local councils and local politics...hosts can have their say whether they are (future) shareholders or not...


The bulk of the shares will be bought by Institutions,pension funds,hedge funds etc....the  "army" of hosts that you envisage having a strong say, in say,corporate policy and regulation, my opinion...not happen


"I propose that superhost that own shares will also sign an exclusivity agreement to Airbnb."


I would not for sure... why on earth would I do that? I share holding would be a miniscule % of the total  and my AibBnb property is going to do next to nothing to help the AirBnb profit/loss account





Level 10
London, United Kingdom


Why the interest now? They've said no IPO in 2018. Are you suggesting that this isn't the case?

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

''This would be me assisting my competition considering my city is already friendly to short term rentals. ''

Why wouldn't you want to do that? Isn't helping the competition a really good thing? Share your success and you will have more of it.  Anyway, isn't helping others what we do here in the forum?

The best outcome might be another STR platform sets up and provides more competition. 

Level 2
Colfax, WA

Funny I was looking for IPO discussions and wanted to start one. I think providing the option for superhosts to buy first would show AirBnB values those hosts committed to providing quality places to stay. I will be purchasing stock if this does happen. I believe AirBnB is going and is going to continue to grow and I want to help in that.  

Level 2
Santa Fe, NM

Any IPO updated news?  Did they file?