Are children considered an extra guest ? Should they be charged at a lower rate ?

Level 4
Bournemouth, United Kingdom

Are children considered an extra guest ? Should they be charged at a lower rate ?

61 Replies 61
Level 2
Cabangan, Philippines

Here it is almost Christmas 2018 and I have read all of these posts and still wondering when Airbnb changed the policy regarding children. I have been charging for kids 7 and over. But it looks like I must now charge for 2 and over. The only category is charge 2-12 as adults correct? Am I missing something?  We host many families and I do not share the idea that families are necessarily messy.. but I would like to be able to set my own age to charge or give away free.. ie "7 and under are free of charge" I could put it in the listing but then there is no way to book it in the Airbnb that way.. they must declare all adults and all kids 2-12. I cant even charge a different rate for 2-12 kids.. so why does Airbnb even have that category? Basically everybody above 2 must pay as adults!  I can't find a way to change it.. appreciate any advice 😉 

Level 2
Healdsburg, CA

I have a guest that reserved saying there were three people. Himself, his wife and one child. The truth is they had two children. When was under two years of age and she was pregnant with a third. They also brought a dog. I have a pets OK policy but it would have been nice to know. My neighbors are now complaining about five people being in my two bedroom condo. I want to know what I can do because I have already had to put them up in a hotel with my air conditioner on on the brink. It’s going to be hard to get them out because they booked my place for six months and I have course under charged severely.

I do love kids but I have a feeling that I will be having to get authorities involved to get them out of there.