Bookings have dried up completely - NEED HELP!

Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

Bookings have dried up completely - NEED HELP!

My first time posting here, out of desperation. (I hadn't even been aware of this forum until now). Airbnb has become a bit too complicated for me. It seems you have to be always on top of the latest changes, starting from Instant Booking, then Superhost, then AirBnB plus, collections, what next??


I guess I have become a bit too complacent and now I have completely fallen by the wayside. When I joined AirBnB over 5 years ago I was always completely booked, up until last year, when I had a quiet spell during the low season. But this year has been completely out of the ordinary.


My apartment is a studio in the centre of Cape Town, really conveniently located in so many ways. I rent it out for longer stays only for several reasons, one being I don't want to annoy my neighbours with constant new check-ins, another that I live 45 kms away and don't want to be driving in and out every couple of days, and prefer to do the management by myself. I really prefer the quality of guest (usually travelling lecturers or researchers, or location independent entrepreneurs) coupled with low management responsibilities.


Because of receiving guests who mostly stay for one or two months at a time, I can't make Superhost status because I have too few bookings per year,  despite being fully booked all year long (well, used to be).


I don't qualify for the work collection because self check-in is just not possible in my building (this is true for majority of buildings in Cape Town) because there is a security gate that you need to get through before getting to the lobby, for which you also need a key. Possibly I wouldn't qualify also for turning down a few requests - because of two bad apples I've hosted in the past I now vet my guests more carefully. 


AirBnB Plus also doesn't seem like a good fit as, although my studio is really nice and clean, it is still budget accommodation. I also had to cancel a booking for the first time in my life because the guy was going psycho on me before even checking in. I just didn't feel comfortable with him at all! So I don't qualify for another year, I guess.


I can hardly find my apartment in the search results now. I've booked a photographer for next week to come and take some professional pics. I'm worried this expense will not do much good. I have always thought my mediocre pics to be a positive, as guests are always very pleasantly surprised to find something much better than they expected, which leads to great reviews. 


I have also dropped my prices to AirBnB's (ridiculous) suggestions, but still have not received a single enquiry. Instead AirBnB sent me a tip to drop my prices again. 


Oh, and I have changed my heading from "The Green Room Gardens Apartment" to "The VIEW!! ★ Perfect for Longer Stays". I had wanted to make it "The VIEW!! ★ Perfect for Longer Stays ★ Steps from Shopping and Public Transport" but that was exceeding the character limit by a mile. 


Is the only way to get my bookings back to do a complete renovation and upgrade my apartment to a luxury apartment, along with giving it to some agency to manage so that I can accept short-term bookings and instant booking?? Or is there something left that I can do that will actually make a difference? I have an average 5 star reviews in all categories. I'm feeling so sad and broke right now, while the bills keep piling up. 

46 Replies 46
Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

I also use Wheelhouse, but more as a tool to input what i want than recommendations. At the moment i'm taking their recommendation less 35%. Are you finding the same? Thanks

@James1113 no, I'm finding wheelhouse pricing spot-on. It's higher than I was pricing (and *much* higher than Airbnb's "smart" pricing) and we are booking all three places consistently. @Amelia10 you might try; since we started listing there we have been getting bookings from europeans, seems to be an entirely different clientele from Airbnb, and maybe more suited to your kind of longer-term listing. We are also on tripadvisor but haven't had one booking from it. Re. finding a co-host you could try looking at other listings in your area and direct messaging their hosts.

Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

Thank you, @Lisa723. I will definitely look into Wheelhouse and!

Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

Hi Lisa, thanks your that insight. I think we were quite cautious going in and expected bookings to come through far more in advance than they do. I'v upped prices and trying to "stick to my guns". In some places, iv taken the Wheelhouse recommendation and added 10-15%ill let you know how it goes.

Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom

Do NOT lower your price despite being pestered by air bnb as no bookings for you means less commission for them.


Air bnb have to fix this mess of the  new guest review system which this season has resulted in a marked decrease in guest reviews and an increase in last minute cancellations because the guest found somewhere else cheaper.


also Air bnb has mushroomed with many people who are renting their accommodation now sub Letting to guests via air bnb without the landlords knowledge or permission.........


Dropping your price increases the chances of you getting undesirables looking for a cheap place to satisfy their cheap expectations and low standards.


It IS difficult not to follow the lemmings and lower your price but stand not capitulate!

What do you prefer quantity OR quality?


Despite keeping up my high standards and an extensive House Manual/ Hiuse Rules that oriole Tiverton guests can see before they book I have noticed a sharp decline in the quality of guest, but I am sleeping easier now Im publicly weeding them out via my public set of house rules which have stood me in good stead as tester I had 2 young women from Utah in USA, scarper off without paying me for use of my washing machine and drier.


Have involved resolution centre these entitled women still refusing to pay up, but as my house rules were very clear, air bnb have paid up themselves.

I will of course be leaving a factual review about these 2 chancers and expect publication in 10 days time so other hosts can be warned about the emergent breed of entitled guests who are investing the platform for a cheap deal.


They know the cost if everything and the value of nothing......worst offenders are those virtue signallers from the warned!



 Typo ......despite House rules that prospective guests can see before they book.....

Thank you, @Victoria567. I am sure you are spot on about lowering prices. That's what desperation does to you. I have to draw more guests in ways other than competing downwards on price. 


Good luck with the chancing launderers!

Hi Amelia, I looked at your site and have a few suggestions.

It seems a bit cheap, is that the case? 

Also in description i would very much streamline the info re arrival and describe the space and its benefits, its unique qualities. 

Also a photo of the shower is good (my Daughter tells me) .

Yep I would take off pic of toilet.

And what about some plants, it perhaps looks a tiny bit sterile.  

It looks good, don't get me wrong, just a bit sterile perhaps.

But really I would want to know a bit more firstly as I think people will read that then look at pics.

What a stunning view.  Imagine waking up to that glorious view, gazing out as I drank a cup of freshly made plunger coffee! I wanted to fly over immediately!  

Is there an outdoor space to sit downstairs. Is it near to National PArks for walking? Botanic Gardens? If so provide Books (I get free ones from local council and info centres) . I get canoers and hikers. 

Do you provide nice plunger coffee with milk so they can have a lovely coffee/tea on arrival? Local coffee? Perhaps tell Guests this. 

What's famous locally?  A friendly, groovy bar with free live music? 

What have your best Guests said ? Perhaps you can use their words? 

And try not to cancel...haha, get the GUest to cancel if they are patently unsuitable.  Or you can cancel without penalty if the GUest contravenes your House Rules (eg I cancelled smokers...and this is in my house rules, so you juts check that on airbnb site whne penalty) 

And yes maybe AIrbnb likes Instant Book...but I don't care, I have my instant book settings that include 'must be recommended by other Hosts" Must have verified profiles.   Works well. 

Hope you may like some of these suggestions and find them productive. 


Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom

The virtue signallers who have all sorts of allergies, food intolerances, short of having their breakfast prepared by fairies under the moonlight and served by tartan unicorns spouting glitter and rainbows from their rear.

In the last couple of years all my American guests were fabulous but this year I have been truly unfortunate with the amount of entitled guests Ive hosted.

The best are the Germans, fair, punctual and precise with no pretentious demands and they write a review ASAP telling it as it is.

who are investing the platform for a cheap deal............SHould read, who are infesting the platform for a cheap deal but expect a hotel.


@Victoria567   The breakfasts at your place aren't made by fairies under moonlight and served by tartan unicorns?  How shoddy. I can't believe your listing hasn't been removed from the platform 🙂

Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom

Good morning @Sarah977

Oh dearie me.....will I lose my Superhost badge?

I am losing sleep about not being able to get genuine fairies to prepare breakfast!

Brainwave!......I will get my husband Steve a pair of fairy wings and a pink TuTu and put him in the kitchen where he belongs 😉


Ideas on the back of a postage stamp please about how I’m going to rustle up a tartan unicorn with the extra added value features if glitter and rainbows?

Do you think Amazon might have one available for me to purchase?


thank goodness @Sarah we’ve got our sense of humour still intact.........either that or I’m going to crack open that bottle of 18 year old  GlenGrant single malt whisky and put on my rose tinted spectacles.



@Victoria567 I bet you can find such a thing at some of the shops in the bottom end of the Royal Mile, Edinburgh

Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom

Hi @Mel0

what a great idea!

all that stuff from China and rpthen some wee person adds a tartan bow to the unicorns neck....and hey it’s now made in Scotland!

plenty of such outlets in the tourist trap of the Royal Mile!


Good Job Mel😉

Level 10
Seattle, WA


Maybe Airbnb is not meeting your needs. Airbnb really does like Instant book and short-term bookings. Have you tried VRBO or HomeAway? They may be better suited to the long-term stays your desire.

If you still want to make Airbnb work for you,  you may have  to reinvent yourself.

Reconsider shorter stays. Self-examine your belief that check-ins bother your neighbors.

Are your checkins error-prone or are your neighbors just causing you unwarranted grief?

Consider getting a co-host so your don't drive in so much.

Raise your prices so you reward yourself. 

Your pictures are very good, except the toilet picture is unecessary and off-putting. (Americans can't even say the word toilet! It's too graphic). Garage picture is not compelling. I also am confused by "apartment tower block" Is the apartment connected to the shopping mall?

When I have down-time and wonder how to improve, I always paint. It reinvigorates me.

Good luck!