Burned by airbnb smartpricing?

Level 10
New York, NY

Burned by airbnb smartpricing?

Both my NYC apartmentss were grabbed up for a few days over new years, no increase in price despite smart pricing. I suppose I could have declined but its the holidays and two guests choose my home. so I accepted. Yet I now feel like smart pricing is basically useless. 


Edit... OK so I now know it only adjusts 4 months out. so I suppose I learned a valuable lesson. 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Redwood City, CA

I'd suggest removing that option from your pricing. You can adjust prices according to the season better than airbnb articifical algorithm. To airbnb it's not that big of a loss if you rent your room for $30 less, but to a host it makes a lot of difference. So get rid of that option and set the prices you believe are fair for your market and type of accomodation. 



Level 1
Atlanta, GA

Thanks for finding out how it works as I had a similar situations.
Level 10
Maroochydore, Australia

the option does not work very well, always below what the right price is. Get rid of smart pricing