Level 2
Lisbon, Portugal




I had been aibnb host for almost 2 years. In the past months I have been having a problem with my airbnb calendar. Inspite of having it blocked (usually I have it available for 2 months in front only) I got booked for the next year! Airbnb took care of it and blocked the calendar and instant booking to be in control of these kind of situations. One of my rooms had been blocked for months now, today I got another instant booking for may (with a lower price than I usually rent)! I am 100% sure this calendar was blocked, as I did not use this listing for quite  a while.  I can not cancel the guest, because I am not the one to blame and I can not face any penalties about it. I can not ask the guest to cancel, because their airbnb fee will not be refunded. I want to make sure that this will not be happening. Did anybody else get this kind of problems?

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Athens, Greece


If you are sure that you had your calendar blocked, contact Airbnb again and ask them to take care of the situation.

I have seen some disorders in the calendar, too. 

Sometimes, I need to make the blocking twice or three times, in order to see the dates blocked. 

Also, when I have my dates blocked, sometimes I still accept inquiries for those dates. Fortunately, I hadn't had a booking. 

I think sometimes Airbnb system may face some problems or glitches. But I am sure that if they recognize it, they will take care of your problem. Of course, don't cancel or don't ask your guest to cancel before contacting Airbnb. 




In this thread, you will find how to Contact Airbnb!


If you want to see my listings, here they are:

Diamond Home 1

Diamond Home 2

Diamond Penthouse

I've also unfortunately had some dates I'd previously blocked appear as available. I received an enquiry yesterday afternoon regarding dates I'd blocked off a couple of weeks ago (as I have guests staying). The dates had remained blocked until some point in the night before. The booking enquiry stated that the number of available nights varied between 5 and 6 depending upon the page he viewed them on, which is a little strange. Thankfully I do not have instant book switched on. I obviously apologised for the error, hate to disappoint people. I checked my calendar around three times last night (no unwanted changes) and on reviewing it this morning another previously blocked day had reappeared as available (2nd June) without any calendar edits on my end. I think it might be a very difficult glitch to diagnose. It's happened once before although that was only for a weekend and at first I wondered if the error was my own, although I have been very, very careful ever since. Everything else with airbnb has been great. Hope they can help you.

My unblocked dates were also in May (at the end of May). Hope this helps airbnb?

Hi Lisa, Same thing happened to me after I changed the 'Booking window' settings. The calendar unblocked all my booked dates. Air b&b needs to fix this bug. 

Level 1
Madison, CT

I have the opposite problem: I have made some dates available, but on the guests' side they show as unavailable. Now I cannot receive any bookings because out of the 12 consecutive days available, only two show up. What should I do?

Level 2
Boulder, CO

I am also having problem with the availability setting. I only want 3 months visible, but it is defaulting to 6.  

Update:  I have had several calls with Airbnb support.  Apparently, they have no fix for this, and no time estimate for when it will be fixed.  Only option being provided is for me to manually block dates I don't want to appear available.  This is ok for a short term fix, but I expect a web based business to provide a service request number and an estimated time to get it fixed.  I want to know that it has been escalated to IT and they will be addressing.  This is good practice for service oriented companies.  Why not Airbnb?