Calendar problems

Calendar problems



I am new as a host. Just listing a place and luckly having guests to book my place now. This is very a good start and trust this system. One geust book shows accepted and Payment pending but another guess is also able to book at same day and shows Awaiting Payment. Please help me on this.





2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Nancy323,


Those mean that Airbnb is having some problem with getting the payment from the guest's card. There's nothing that a host can do to fix this situation as all payment issues are a matter between the guest and Airbnb.


When it happens to me I message the guest pointing out that there is a problem between them and Airbnb. Sometimes this prompts the guest into action as they may have missed the notification that Airbnb sent them.





Thanks Steve! Sorry this was while ago and I forgot to check because I was new and too many things did not know how to handle with. Hope yout hosting went well for past year and half 🙂

@Steve143 wrote:

Hello @Nancy323,


Those mean that Airbnb is having some problem with getting the payment from the guest's card. There's nothing that a host can do to fix this situation as all payment issues are a matter between the guest and Airbnb.


When it happens to me I message the guest pointing out that there is a problem between them and Airbnb. Sometimes this prompts the guest into action as they may have missed the notification that Airbnb sent them.

