Can I list multiple properties with different email addresses?

Level 1
Montreal, Canada

Can I list multiple properties with different email addresses?

Hi there, 

Wondering if it's possible to have multiple listings on one AirBnB account that will direct to different email addresses. 

We have 2 properties in London, ON that we'd like to list on AirBnB, but the management team out in London is different than in Montreal - or would we have to create multiple accounts?

Is that allowed on AirBnB?

Thanks in advance for your help!


3 Replies 3

Airbnb uses a master email account, however, you can invite a co-host to assist you with the property who would also receive the emails for your property. In that way you could assign a different email address, however, I'm not sure if they would receive emails for all of your listings or just one. Setting up two accounts, one for each property may be the better way to go. Airbnb does not say you cannot have two or more accounts. However, if you move one of the properties to a second account, if you cancel the first listing in the first account then any bookings you have will also be cancelled so you will have to alter each reservation to move them to the other property. It's a little bit of work but do-able.



Level 2
New York, NY

I have two more properties that are going to be listed in Airbnb, I am wondering if I should list them under the same account or should I open separate account for each? I would want the rental to go to different banks too.  I want to keep it simple and easy to manage the book.  Can I register them with my same name and email for new account? Thanks!

Level 2
Surf City, NC

I realize this conversation occurred in 2017 and 2018.  Its now 2022 and I was wondering if there has been any resolve to setting up a separate email for each listing you may have?  I have 2 properties listed with AirBnB, but I need the email reservation information to go to their respective emails.  Is there a way to do that??  TIA