Can not find my hostel on search results.

Level 1
Hà Nội, Vietnam

Can not find my hostel on search results.

Hi everyone. I listed my hostel but still can not find it on airbnb search results. I don’t know what to do. Please help me out. I will be very appreciated. Thank you so much. 

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Bucharest, Romania

Try to make sure you are not logged in as a host while searching for your listing. Make sure you have no restriction. Log in a guest or just log out of your airbnb account and search for the listing using the same location, available dates and filters. If you still can't find it, visit help center or contact support:

@Vân-Anh0 your listing seems to have a 28-night minimum stay.

When a listing has a minimum stay of 28 nights or more, the Airbnb system seems to categorize it as a "long-term stay only" listing.

Normally, when a guest is searching and has not yet chosen any dates, all listings will appear on the map.

For some reason, if your listing is a "long-term-stay only" listing, it will NOT appear if the guest has not chosen any dates.


The only way for your listing to appear, then, is for the guest to enter dates with at least 28 nights, AND if your listing is available during those exact dates.


It is not a recipe for getting a lot of views. You are all but invisible.


Is there a reason you only want long term stays?


The one piece of good news: when I put in a long term stay, and zoomed to your area, your seach ranking was not bad: #4 of 36.


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