Can't find my listing

Can't find my listing

Hi there, yes, yet another "can't find a listing" thread.  I have been on VRBO for 2.5 years and decided to try my hand at Air BnB but only for the off season.  I found the setup of my listing like peeling an onion, the more I clicked on things, the more layers I found.  It was quite a cumbersome task.    I think I finally got to the core of the onion, think I finally got it all set up.  Is there a listing number in Air BnB like there is for VRBO?  At any rate, I am only open Nov 2018 thru Feb 2019.  I did a search and cannot find me.  Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?  

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

Hello @Laura---Steve0. You only joined in April, so I guess your listing hasn't been published yet. It takes up to 24 hours to find it in the search results.


// "The only person you can trust is yourself"

Ah, I did not find that info on the site ANYWHERE.  It just says "Listed."  This is a rather clunky site compared to VRBO.  Not very intuitive for a first time host to the site, and very limited in what options you can click on or ways to manage the rates structure.   Hopefully it becomes easier to manage with time.  


Is there a listing number like VRBO?  How does one refer others to your listing?