Cleaning space and bed changing

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Cleaning space and bed changing

I've started to get longer bookings in my B&B  - up to 9 nights so far.

How often should I clean the room and change the bedding and towels?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Pamplemousses, Mauritius

@Vicky91 It is up to you to decide, i have met some guests in the past that didnt want the maid to clean during their stay as they wanted their privacy. I would advice you to always ask each guests if they want that you clean during their stay and if yes how many times per week. Good luck!!!

Thank you for replying and how great to hear from someone in Mauritius!


I tend to have long term guests so I tell them unless requested more frequently I plan to change bedding every 3~4 weeks. After week 2, I start asking  every 4~5 days.... would you like your bedding changed within the next 2~3 days? Regardless of how much guests value their privacy, I will check every  3 ~4 days. For long term stays it is important that the long term host checks the guest's responsibility. At least 1~2 months prior to finalizing booking!!


Hi @Vicky91,


We've just done along term rental, we changed the bedding and towels for the guests every 2 weeks, which seemed a healthly balance. For our next 10 day booking, we won't change them until after the guests leave. But it's up to you to find a balance, I just worked on what I do for myself at home, and went with that.

Level 10

Hi @Vicky91 I have a limit of two weeks per guestin my place, and if someone is here that long, I offer cleaning/refreshing every 5 days. Most of my guests are here for 2 or 3 days, so this does not come up that often.