Contact Host fails to connect

Contact Host fails to connect

I have 3 computers, desktop, laptop, server all running linux.

I'm trying to contact a host prior to booking and click on "Contact Host"

It just sits and spins

I've tried Firefox and Chromium


Any tips for fixing this?

BTW: Web searches have come up empty

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

Did you try again? Maybe it was just bad internet connection at that moment.

You should enter dates before you can contact a host

you can give us an url to that listing so someone else here can try and see if it's possible


>Did you try again? Maybe it was just bad internet connection at that moment.

>You should enter dates before you can contact a host

>you can give us an url to that listing so someone else here can try and see if it's possible

 I've been a developer since the late 80s

Yes, I tried again and with both browsers, on a couple different dates

Machine is connected, can browse airbnb's site

Have entered dates, found two properites I think interest me for xmas trip

Here's one


I have no problem to contact them. I entered dates, scrooled down and click on the "contact host" button and new window with contact form pop up...

I also tried to request booking , also without any problem

I am on Opera

maybe because you don't have any verifications jet? Just guessing...


You would need to complete your profile and provide some verifications and a photo and it always help to tell a bit about yourself in your profile description.

I can contact the host in the link without any difficulty at all.  

If that is the case, then the page should indicate any such dependancy.   

I've been coding since the 80s, this kind of crap bugs me to no end   

Maybe I should stick with Quality Inn this trip, no? 


Where you prefer to stay is of course entirely up to you. Homestays are not for everybody. 

With a homestay, it is only natural that the host would like to know a little bit about the guest before accepting.  We are after all letting complete strangers into our homes, so trust and safety are concerns.

My point has nothing to do with home stay vs hotel

It has to do with using the web for most/all purchases and transactions


If one needs to complete a profile before being allowed to access a site feature, then CODE should be in place to tell the user, not a never returning, spinning icon.

Amatuerish at best.

Rule#1: Don't frustrate your customers.


All I want to know is if there is parking available and that's the kind of info that should be part of the host's description without needing inquiry

for parking info look under "amenities"


Point taken and I agree with you, but I am sure they have their reasons like discouraging spammers.

You cannot book without completing your profile anyway - so it is better to have your details in place before you start out using airbnb.  

If there is parking it would be an asset, and any host with a bit of brain would mention that in their listing or tick it off in the amenities section.