Damage to outside of House from using Gas Grill to close to the home

Level 2
Black Mountain, NC

Damage to outside of House from using Gas Grill to close to the home

I have a question to ask.  We have a large gas grill on a deck and it rolls.  I pull it under the eave of the house (against the side of the house) to keep it out of the weather.  All my guests before who have used the grill always roll it away from the house onto the deck area and grill.  Unfortunately the last guest left it where it was and grilled......it actually melted and buckled the siding!  Thank goodness the house didn't catch fire! So since I don't leave instuctions to move the grill before using (duh) can I charge them?  I'm thinking the answer is no, but thought I would get some opinons. I'm guessing this will be an expensive learning experience for me as a host.  Also though, I am upset that they didn't aleast call and tell me or leave a note, they had to notice it and smell it melting......they covered the grill back up after using so they had to notice!  How should I handle this, ideas?  Thank you!!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

@Gay1 Oh dear, I am sorry Gay but, you are going to be on your own on this one! Sure commonsense would possibly tell a person to roll the grill to a safe location but, it was up to you to make sure they are instructed to do this.

You should have a laminated sign hanging somewhere very visible on the grill where it will not catch alight and on the wall instructing guests to roll the grill out from under the eave before using!! Sorry Gay, it's tough but really, you should have seen this one coming!


The thing that does really concern me, and you alluded to it, was how lucky you were that the property did not catch fire. I sincerely hope that you have a properly designated hosting insurance policy in place and are not just expecting that your regular household insurer will cover you in the event of something catastrophic like what could have happened here.

Almost all insurance companies will cancel household insurance policies if they have knowledge that short term rental is taking place in their insured space.

For details of appropriate cover I would suggest one of the two options......

www.proper.insure/    This company has had some good posts on the CC.

www.cbiz.com/insurance     I know nothing about this insurer but, posts suggest they are active in this field.


Once again, what a terrible thing to happen to you Gay, it must have given you an awful shock. I just hope it will sort out without too much expence but, unless you have a 'Security deposit' set and report the incident within 48 hours of the guests departure, there will be little, or no avenue of compensation through Airbnb and, owing to the nature of the occurence I doubt that they would get involved anyway.... Try to protect yourself for the future Gay.....Rob

Level 2
Black Mountain, NC

They were such awesome guests! They offered to pay in full for any damage.  My hope in people is always restored through hosting!  Anyway, we let them pay half and we paid the other half, a learning experience for us both!  I love hosting!

@Robin4, always a great resource.  You save me. was  hesitating on the gas grill. now I know to follow my instincts.  too risky.


An acquaintance runs an airbnb as a shared house.  He hurt himself within days of checking in. self inflicted.  never know when something like a deranged person might happen.   I won't give easy ammunition