Deactivating or Stopping my listing

Level 1
San Diego, CA

Deactivating or Stopping my listing

Guys - I'd like to deactivate or stop my listing as I'm new and just wanted to get the basics up and running.  I plan to go live again in February as we approach Summer.  Can't figure out how to deactivate???

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Kirk15 You don't want to deactivate as that will remove your listing entirely from Airbnb.  What you want to do is either Snooze or Unlist.  The difference between Snoozing and Unlisting is that with Snoozing you can set a period of time you want your listing unavailable in searches while Unlisting makes your listing unavailable until you re-list again.  


Here's the link that explains this:


Hope this helps!