Declining reservation then penalized by Airbnb

Declining reservation then penalized by Airbnb

My husband and I rent a cabin on the resort we own at.  We have been asked to scrutinze all rental requests.  I had to refuse 3 rental requests because of the dynamics of their group.  Then I received a request where the renter lie to me about the dynamics of her group.  A few days before their arrival they finally sent in the rental agreement form.  She originally advised the group dynamics was 5 adults and 1 teenager.  On the rental form it was 2 adults and 4 teenagers.  The past 4 years at the resort we have had major problems with parents lying on the rental agreement forms.  The parents rent a unit in the resort.  They drop their teenagers off on Thursday night and drive back to Calgary and pick them up on Monday.  I cancelled this reservation on Airbnb and was advised this could effect my status with them or I could be refused to use Airbnb.  This does not sit well with me.  


This past weekend at the resort there were over 200 teenagers converge on the property with the police showing up multiple times per day.  This could have cost Airbnb alot of money if I had let these renters in and they destroyed the strata cabin.  There needs to be someway this is monitor more closely.  I can't seem to find a contact number to call to discuss this issue with either.



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