Difficult guest

Level 3
South MacLean, Australia

Difficult guest

After hosting over 60 guests that all love me little flat and working so hard to always make everyting perfect and soiling my guests yesterday I had a guest check in who completly "lost it" and wanted me to cancel his booking within an hour of his arrival because one of the bike tyres on the push bikes we provide was flat and even though we provide a bike pump he did not know how to use it.

Our flat is always immacuatly clean and as we are in Queeensland Australia and it is summer sadly 2 garden cockroaches had flown in and were dead and he is loosing it. They are dead because our pest control is up to date and works. They fly in from the garden we cannot do much about it in Queesland in a hot summer

Our caretaker in the area got round to him within 5 min and replaced the bike for him and explained about the garden cockroches and showed him the up to date pest control certificate that is in the kitchen cupboard

He seems to have calmed down now and my husband is driving 2 hours today to the flat to make sure he is happy.

My other problem with this guest is also that my caretaker reported to me that this guest is a smoker and was smoking on the property when we have very strict non smoking house rules

I do not know what to do if he continues to carry on and I think it is only because he wants to book somewhere else and is nothing to do with our flat. All our other guests have loved the flat and we actually have two Airbnb units now and our last guest says I am the best host she has ever had

I have worked so so hard to be now be ready to recieve superhost this April and I do not want my hard work to re taken away from me by one guest that is totally unreasonble and is clearly breaking my house rules

Can anyone help me please. I have had over 60 guests love me and my two Airbnbs and I have worked too hard to have superhost taken away


16 Replies 16

I would ask Airbnb to have him removed from your property on the basis that he has broken your house rules. They can find him alternate accommodation. My gut feeling is that he is extorting you for a free stay. Airbnb will not tolerate that.

Level 3
South MacLean, Australia

I feel he is trying to do that same I think he is trying to get a free stay as really his proformance over a flat bike tyre was just uncalled for and we replaced the bike for him within 5 min

I have emailed Airbnb and hope to hear from them very soon


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