Extra People: No Charge

Level 10
Ormstown, Canada

Extra People: No Charge

I have two listings at a set price per night for a stated number of people. On my listings there is an automatic statement "Extra People: No Charge". I wanted to have this removed, because extra people above the stated numbe of people are not allowed. You all might be interested in the results of my inquiry to Airbnb about that notation "extra people: no charge". It cannot be removed. In fact, it is there on purpose. The person who was aiding me in trying to resolve the issue did indeed try to help, because she was "unaware" of the problem. But it seems that Airbnb wants to keep that notation on listings for entire homes if the price is set at one figure for the whole house. It is another "marketing tool". For example, if I was to search for a listing where my big family of 12 could stay and found a house for $300 listed for 8 people with the notation "extra people: no charge" I would feel free to book the place for 8 and not have any qualms about the rest of the family bringing air mattresses and sleeping bags for the floor because they are "free". Yes, a very big marketing tool for Airbnb at our expense, promoting unpaid for guests to use our homes. Someone needs to bring this to the forefront at one of those airbnb meetings.

32 Replies 32

If I understand your question correctly, it does work.


My house will sleep up to 10 comfortably, in beds. When I had one fixed price of $240 for the whole house for the maximum of 10 people, that phrase "extra people:no charge" showed up. You can see it on many listings that offer a complete unit for one price. In face, I beleive that this is an invitation to guests to have extra people in the listing for free.


When I changed my rates to an extra charge AFTER 10 people to $100 per person, the notation "extra people:no charge" disappeared. I suppose the software doesn't recognize the extra charge if the maximum is already set at 10 people.


I agree that airbnb could provide us with more options, but they need to fix the bugs first.

Level 3
California, United States

Thanks @Monica4 ! I'd been trying to figure out how to remove that for months!

Level 1
Westbury, Australia

Me too!

I've just scrolled down and read everyone's suggestions.

Thankyou muchly, I'll see how I go!

Please tell us how to change the no extra person 

Thank you Monica, I accept 2, no more and cannot remove that feature either. There should be a choice in the dollar amount menu for "no extra people"

Level 1
Mevagissey, United Kingdom

yes I have the same problem, what I am going to do is put extra people charged at £500.00 per night. 

that should put them off.


Hi, Tony here Again ,just tried to put  £500 per night for extra guests and guess what .....the phrase "extra guests no charge" dissapered

from my listing. Result.

Level 2
Paris, France

Hello, I tried to change this as well under Price Settings--> Additional Pricing Options.  I clicked on Additional guests and put in 250 euros and now it shows the below on my listing which doesn't help as I don't want any extra people period, no charge or at 250 euros. Am I changing this in the wrong place?


Extra people: €250 / night after the first guest
Level 1
Edinburgh, United Kingdom


I think the trick is whatever you have listed already as the max number of guests (in my case it's 2) you need to select the option 'after 2 guests' and then put in your price and that worked for me.


I hope that makes sense!



according to airbnb, what does it mean  Extra People: No Charge?

Level 1
Hillsborough, NC

I, too, contacted Airbnb to have the "Extra guests: No charge" removed from our listing. Customer service was sympathetic to how misleading that notation is, but said it cannot be removed. Airbnb MUST address this glitch. The notation makes it sound like it's okay to bring extra guests (like they can throw a sleeping bag on the floor). We state at the top of our house rules that we do not allow extra guests, but having "Extra guests: No charge" under "Prices" in our listing is totally misleading. Maybe if enough people in the Airbnb community speak up about this, the glitch will be fixed.

I would set a rediculous price for the extra guests above your limit. 1,000,000
Andrew - see community help guides for many great FAQ
Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

I agree completely! I just had a guest who thought she could bring a bunch of extra people since our listing says "extra guests: no charge." We have our house listed for 8 people and simply do not want to charge more for people up to 8. This caused for an unpleasant experience and discussion with our current guests. They may even give us a bad review now since they brought up that our listing says, "extra guests: no charge." This is not ok and is unfair for the host to not be able to have this feature removed. There are plenty of other ways for Airbnb to do marketing without this being a negative experience for hosts and guests who are continually confused about the number of people they are allowed to have in our home.


Can someone please help with a contact for someone at airbnb specifically? Has anyone been able to get this option taken off of their listing? I have seen a few listings that do not have this feature included but I can't seem to figure out a way to take it off myself.




Level 2
Asheville, NC

Read many of the postings here, thought about it, then:

I went to host

then your listings

then calendar and more

then manage listings

pricing settings

base price

then pricing options

extra  options

extra prople and the maximum number of people I wanted I saw that I had put 1 in

so I tried putting 2 in, then exiting the whole thing, and viewing the listing.

The Extra people no charge disappeared.  

The nightly price still stays on the main first picture

If this helps anyone.

Thanks for the community


I only have one apartment available, and to put more than 2 in there is not feasible.


I have to remove my self from airbnb  due to the no charge