Feeding the government

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

Feeding the government

As we all know in many parts of the world short term residential rentals are outlawed or only allowed if the government gets its cut. Not sure why we are paying our local governments to rent out rooms in our house when they aren't exactly providing anything in return especially when we are already paying our property taxes. Today a new article came out about our local county "cracking down" on short term rentals and paying agents $34 an hour in overtime to find these offending perps. They only look for people on holiday weekends and only if there is a complaint lodged. The government has found a way suck more money out of its citizens to the tune of $500 a year. Not sure where that money goes and what happens when these short term rentals dry up and move on? Has the government ever reduced or layed off employees when the money stops coming in?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Seattle, WA

What you talking about Zacharias?

You have it good. Try socialist California, Oregon or my Communist-City-State of Seattle.

You pay nothing compared to us.


Even better, you are able to attract guests from these neighboring Soviets because they are attracted to your lower hotel rates, due to your lower taxation rates.  


Keep carrying the torch Zacharias, maybe your state government might listen to you - mine certainly does not!