Finally had an airbnb photographer come yesterday. What's next?

Level 10
Lithia Springs, GA

Finally had an airbnb photographer come yesterday. What's next?

Hey folks after a year of using my decent cell phone pics, we hired an airbnb photographer (for $111) to come out. He came yesterday and took a bunch of pics. He said he sends them to airbnb within 48 hours and then airbnb chooses some pics, edits them and then adds them to my listing. Does this sound wierd? I would think since I am paying, the pics should come to me 1st and I'd decide which ones to ad to my listing? 

I could understand if the service was being paid by airbnb but it is not. 


A few ot MY thoughts about the CEO live event... 


Did I jump the gun paying for a photographer now? I think i heard in the CEO update that pics are going to be free again for superhosts? or something along those lines? 


I don't think I like the "super guest" idea. I can only imagine these guests being super picky about everything and super needy & entitled because they're super guests. 


I dont think airbnb plus is a good idea either since our great reviews are what already makes us "airbnb plus"... type hosts. Why do I need to pay airbnb $149 to come inspect my place (on a scheduled time so I'll have lots of time to make it perfect!) and then give me the designation of airbnbplus when my reviews sort of let my potential guests know that I have been going way above and beyond what's expected for almost a year? 


Why does airbnb think all guests want a "FULL KITCHEN"? One of the airbnb plus requirments was that the place had to have a full kitchen. In my year of hosting I've found that nearly everyone either goes out to eat, goes to pick up takeout and bring it back to eat or they get food delivered. I've only ever had 1 guest (out of over) 120 cook. He brought a coleman stove and set it up outside to cook breakfast. Granted, we do not host long term guests. I assume long term guests would need to cook to save money but folks who are vacationing, don't want to cook. 


Thoughts and thanks!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Argelès-sur-Mer, France

Very good points