Fraud Possibility

Fraud Possibility

Hi, I recieved this email this moorning after contacting a host in another webpage. It does not smell good to me.


We would like to explain further the procedure:
Airbnb is extending their services as 3rd party company.
Due to these changes, we have a new policy for long term lease. 
In order for you to rent the property we need an advance of 2 months rent ( 1 month rent + 1 month deposit ).
After this guarantee we will schedule an appointment with one of our agents in order to visit the apartment. 
If you will accept our policy, in short time, you will receive the invoice with our trust account, where you must complete the payment. The funds will stay in our trust account until you accept the property and the contract is signed by you, then will be forwarded to the owner of the apartment. 
Please note that if you are not satisfied with the apartment we will refund all the amount.
In order to begin this transaction, we will need to know your decision to start the deal.

Thank you for choosing Airbnb!
Adam Medros ,Trust and Safe Airbnb Rental Department
The link the host sent me is the following one,
Could be a fake?
3 Replies 3
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Luis42 Don't go anywhere near this place.  The first indication that it is not legitimate is in the URL.  The real Airbnb always uses in the URL. is a phony website.  I will be reporting this to Airbnb.  Plus all legitimate Airbnb websites start with "https" meaning they are secure.  Do not do a bank transfer!

Also, do not give out any personal details to this scammer: bank account info, email, Airbnb password ect.  Matter of fact, just to be safe, I would check all my notification settings to be sure they are correct, check logins under your account and then if all is correct, change your password.  

How did you come accross this site?










Level 10
Miami, FL

@Luis42 Be sure to flag the listing (using the flag icon) and report the issue to Airbnb. You can also flag any messages you have received from them in your Inbox.

@Ed-and-Hugh0 This wasn't even on Airbnb's website.  It is a scam website, one of 100's unfortunately, created by scammers to make users think they are on Airbnb when they are not. Scam listings don't have the flag icon, naturally.  I've reported it to Airbnb.