Guest Not here

Level 1
Houston, TX

Guest Not here

So my guest booked for almost 2 weeks but has only been here one night. Not only that, he cleared my pantry after never showing up again. I feel like he is gonna try to get over and get a refund. I didnt specify any policy prior his booking. I am still new to this. How should I handle this? Some of his things are here and he ate things out my fridge and cleared my pantry when he couldve just asked. What do I do?
1 Reply 1
Level 10
Miami, FL

@Akevia0 If the guest has left, and you want to be able to re-book, you can let Airbnb know that they have vacated the property and you should be able to have them change the dates to allow bookings for the remaining time. Otherwise, there's not much you can do. You can't force a guest to stay in the room, unless you wan to face possible false imprisonment charges. As for taking items, if these were not part of the deal, then file a police report about the theft, and also notify Airbnb. Be sure to mention the theft in your review so that future hosts can be aware of this.