Guest cancellation...

Level 2
Austin, TX

Guest cancellation...

So I just got call from my guest saying they want to cancel the reservation because her boyfriend doesn't feel the neighborhood is safe, and that there were a bunch of cop cars and something happening. She said, "There's no way in hell he'll stay there". She seemed pretty anxious to get off the phone, and didn't seem interested in listening to me.


I called her back and asked her if the house was blue, thinking they were perhaps lost, so I could give them directions to where I actually do live. She wouldn't verify that they'd actually been by my house, just stated that her boyfriend didn't feel safe staying here, and that she wanted a refund.  I have a strict cancellation policy, but would happily cancel, if a guest actually showed up at my house and then said they didn't feel safe staying here.  I live in a neighborhood of $300,000-$400,000 houses with manicured lawns. I've been home all day. No cop cars, not even any sirens...just people out walking their dogs and kids walking home from school.


I'd just like to know if this has happened to any other hosts, or what other hosts would do in my shoes. I want to be fair, but I kinda feel like they weren't even interested in verifying they were in the right place, before cancelling, a full hour after they were supposed to have been here.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Champlain, Canada

First, send them a message on the Airbnb message system, mentioning the content of the telephone call. Do not answer any more telephone calls, messages or texts. Then call Airbnb and tell them what's happened. This sounds like someone who just wants out of their committment with you. Do they have previous reviews? 

If they do not want to stay that is their call. You have a strict policy so get paid.


How long were the booked for?
