Guest enquiry - my replies not going through

Level 2
Western Cape, South Africa

Guest enquiry - my replies not going through

This is the 2nd time that I've replied to a guest enquiry within a week and the reply has not gone through - as a result, I have lost these guests to other accommodation and have also lost potential income.

How can I be absolutely sure that guests are receiving my replies?

Thanks - Sherry

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Kiawah Island, SC

I believe you only have 24 hours to reply. Then it expires.

Level 2
Western Cape, South Africa

Hi Paul

I definitely replied within an hour of the enquiries - all my inquiries receive an answer withing maximum 3 hours from time received.  Its just strange that when I sent the message, I could see it as "sent" and then, when loging in again later for another inquiry, my reply was just 'missing'~~!

I can understand it once, but twice .... ??

Every hear of bad coding in a web site?


Now you have.


AirBnB Treehouse for Rent



Level 10
Kiawah Island, SC

Sorry, I didn't realize you were answering within a few hours. First, have someone you know send a test inquiry and see if your reply goes through. If it does not. Contact Airbnb. To find all the ways to contact Airbnb type Contact Airbnb into the search for anything box.

Level 1
Meguro, Japan

Do you reply to your guest via Email app?not via admin panel of Airbnb?