Guest receiving mail

Guest receiving mail

Hi everyone.  I am fairly new to the Airbnb community.  I only began this venture July 2017.  Well, here is the latest regarding guest receiving mail at the property! 


My guest booked 3 people for 19 days.  Now at week 2, he/she has gone to the SSA, applied for social security cards (using my address) and having registered mail of those documents sent to my home.   Now  you may ask, how I discovered this?  As fate would have it.  I was around to intercept the mail and there were 2 pieces of mail from the SSA containing social security cards.  No, I did not open them, because that would be illegal.  However, I have much experience in how the documents look through the window envelope.   I was shocked!  As of this morning, I reported the incident to Airbnb representatives.  I was told that there is no precedent for this type of incident.  So, as of now, I am awaiting further instructions.   

I have thought of physically walking the mail back to the SSA along with my ownership paperwork.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  They are there for another week.  



15 Replies 15
Level 4
Ontario, Canada

Hi, I too am very new to Airbnb, and the guest currently staying with me has in fact started using our home to receive his mail. The mail started coming in last week. So far 5 envelopes so far. Not yesterday but the day before I hear bumping up the stairs like some one was hauling something heavy. I opened my door to see the guy hauling up this huge heavy bag, I said, oh that’s heavy looking and then went on with my work. Yesterday morning I came into the kitchen and a horrific smell of rotten fish was somewhere. I thought maybe something was in the garbage. I opened my freezer and there were 2 bags of fish, smoked and salted, one bag was open and it stank. No labels and no sign where it came from or labels. I freaked out. I then went to his room to ask him what it was but he wasn’t there. I opened the door and a wall of stink came out. He had a huge bag stuffed with grains and crap. I didn’t go any further and messaged him. Thankfully his first month is up tomorrow and his next booking was due to start the next day for 6 months. I told him I wanted to see the documentation that showed it was declared at the boarder. Of course I didn’t get it. He is leaving tomorrow. I cancelled his second reservation that was set for 6 months. He had a total fit on me and threatened to report me to the authorities and told me Airbnb and Airbus told him he was allowed to ship things to my home. I told him I own the home and I didn’t say yes to this. I told him I was going to be calling boarder services to find out why they let a shipment be cleared to my home without my authorization and then he told me he had registered everything to come to my home so I can’t make him leave tomorrow. What’s even better is I got dinged with the “this host cancelled a confirmed reservation” on Airbnb. I have submitted a request to have it removed and apparently a supervisor is reviewing it at Airbnb. Any recommendations on how to handle tomorrow. I am expediting drama and a refusal to vacate at 11. If he is not out of the room at 11 I plan to move his suitcases and stuff to our front door. Can I do that?