Guest's profile picture is no longer visible + Instant book cancellation

Level 10
Seattle, WA

Guest's profile picture is no longer visible + Instant book cancellation

I found out that guest's profile picture is no longer visible until you have a confirmed reservation (yes, even if you go to their profile). I understand that Airbnb wants to promote the anti-discrimination policy. However, they need to realize that we are not hotels. We share our house and open our house for our guests and our safety is important. I want to make sure that the person who makes the reservation is actually the one who is showing up on check-in day, etc. Also, host's profile picture IS visible to future guests at all times! I just made a reservation for my next trip and I was able to see my host's profile picture even before I made any reservation request/book the place/have a confirmed reservation.

I am also taking off instant booking feature from my listings as it does not really seem to matter other than giving problem because people do not read the listing in full, have a bad review yet still able to book, etc and when I want to cancel *unlimited* penalty-free as they say... it is not true, I can only do it for 3 times and after that I need to contact the customer service. Then they said "we will do a one-time corteousy to waive the penalty for this cancellation." No, it is not a one-time corteousy. This is how it supposed to be. Why do I need *permission* to cancel a guest who has negative review from his previous host? Why do I need to be pressured to open my house to anybody without thinking about my own safety?


I have been with Airbnb for 4+ years and it seems like they might share a different value now than what they used to have.

176 Replies 176

The community was a sales  pitch long ago but  no longer applies . Its purely about their safety and mone making now . No regard for teh host and no security fi somethinh happens , We as host shoud change how we deal with this too. If we collectiveley do not write reviews and cancel instant booking , guets will still try to book , then airbnb might react . If we do not offer rooms or condos , there is no airbnb.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

I completely agree with Farah. It's a mad decision and very disappointing, to the point that it is making me reconsider hosting. As Farah said - we are not hotels. 

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Airbnb has really changed form their hip platform of  connection between host and guest to being a hotel like site like  booking .c om . Obvisioulsy , the owners , the processing bank,  is interested in their quarterlies only . There is no regard for the privacy of the host, as we still have pictures and stories  on our profiles . Without the guets  pictures,  we have to ask to get some information , which some guests find intrusive . Another  policy of airbnb , needing to allow someone with a " service dog ", in reality  just a comforting dog with a $15 downloadable statement from the iternet, was another social  posturing . Actually , their policy is that the guest does not even have to disclose the dog , even if your rules are  no pets. I talked to a lawyer who advised me , that private homeonwers do not fall under the same disability act as a public building . Airbnb is just riding on the  political correctness wave , which somehow does not include all the information they need to get a correct credit card. . They do not care, that we have neigbors or rules in condos .  Especially in gated communities, were we can loose rental privilges. I am listing my condos on other sites like Homeaway ( VRBO) is the same , where you can buy a yearly subscription which allows cancelleation with no penalties. Guests , who do noy provide any information and just want to book, will be declined from me . They will treat my condo like a hotel room , crank up the AC while leaving the patio door open ( in 110 degrees heat ) and invite multiple friends over to stay,  which is imposssible to check on . All this has happened. I have had 3rd party bookings,  which were not disclosed and completely different people stayed there. Airbnb will not change their rules for the hosts and are touting  their progressiveness in multiple Media ads . Its time to look for other alternatives and start your own rental  websites . I would  disable any instant bookings , that might give them a hint . If all host disable  that feature , hosts  will still get bookings but airbnb will get a wake up call. They just follow their stats and algorithms , not indivudual complaints. 

I also have noticed, that I can not leave a reply anymore once a guest posts a review. We as hosts, need to change our behavior collectivley, so we can have a voice. Cancel instant booking , ask guests for communication and leave no reviews  unless  they  enable the reply to a review again . Guests will still book and adjust to this, as we do . This  is  the only message, we can send to airbnb .

Arguing with an answering service in the Phillipines will not change anything . Airbnb is in busimess to make money just as we are , but withut a host and their homes , there is no airbnb . 

Level 3
New York, NY

Well said. It’s disgusting how Airbnb treats hosts 

Level 2
Waterloo, Canada

I had incident with airbnb. Guest requested to book and accepted it . But even after accepting the request and asking multiple times guest didn't upload his correct picture .
I reach to airbnb , it brushed the hand saying its between guest and host.

How can it be?
To resolve racial discrimination in guest airbnb hidden the guest pic. Ut after accepting ,why it is not helping host. Why I am bound to do
1) let somebody in my house who dont know how look like I.e. can be even criiminal itself, as guest are not bound to upload correct picture and neither airbnb support that
2) or pay the penalty 50$ to Airbnb for canceling the request when my whole booking benefit could have been just 20$ itself
3) either stop using airbnb as host as let alone to save my self from facing possinle security issue or monetary issue mention in 1 and 2 point itself
I wanted to add picture here.

Level 2
George Town, Malaysia

If this is done for nondiscrimination values, how come the guest is still able to see photos of host before booking. Does not this open a window of chance to the guest to be discriminative himself !!


If Airbnb are doing this for nondiscrimination, it should be a mutual thing.

This is not done because of nondiscrimination values. That's just an excuse. The real reason is because AirBnb want to maximise the number of bookings that go through so they can rake more commissions on every booking. If we are given a reason to not accept a booking (such as we don't like what they look like. I don't want obese people in my home because they disgust me) then airbnb lose business. If it's about nondiscrimination they might as well take down every piece of personable information from all of our profiles and even our listings because it's discrimination to to reject dirty stinking accommodation hosted by pigs or the contrary. Social justice or political correctness is not the reason they are doing this at all. It's about them maximising transaction volume through the site. I'm sure if sales dropped when they first implemented this they would've removed this **bleep**ty policy immediately.

I totally agree wity you. Basically, Airibn wants to take away all control from the host and turn us into "hotels" which have to accept every guest who turns up. I am just waiting for them to force everybody to use "instant booking". The basic idea of Airbnb is wonderful, but it's a **bleep**ty American company which does not treat their hosts properly. I don't do hosting for money -  Unlike Airbnb Inc. I'm not into this for money. I'm doing hosting because I love receiving nice and interesting people from all over the world in my home. Guests can see my photo - and I want to see theirs. 

Level 1
Sydney, Australia

I'm delisting because of this **bleep**. Goodbye airbnb.

Level 1
Sydney, Australia

I put a test listing up a couple of months ago but never accepted any because I hadn't been ready to host yet. Now that I've come to realise that I can't see who's trying to book I wont be accepting anybody at all. In other words I'll be taking my listings down. 

Level 1
Bristol, United Kingdom

I too have a massive problem with this new policy. To the point of thinking to bye bye airbnb as they are making billions by not respecting my safety and home. My last guest was so horrible it really put me off assisting a multi billion company capitalising my dear home. I will not accept anyone without profile pucture and reviews

Level 2
Leesburg, FL

Most likely I will be leaving as well. I have had an experience last year that left me a  traumatic feeling when I think of opening my home to a complete stranger. Ladies  ( please be careful).

I have declined multiple requests lately because guests feel no obligation to politely introduce themselves.  Guest have the opportunity to see pictures of my home, my profile picture, a description of myself and a very detailed description of my place.  The minute I accept the booking ( of this total stranger), the " ghost" guest has my full address. 

Discrimination vs  safety.