Guest trashed my house with a big party

Level 1
Boston, MA

Guest trashed my house with a big party

We are new hosts and have had 10 rentals with 100% positve reviews. Overall it has been a great experience. This weekend a guest had a big superbowl party and trashed our home - they smoked cigarettes inside, broke our bed frame, left everything a huge mess. Unfortunately we did not know to take photos before doing some clean up. We have found the customer service from airbnb very frustrating. When we called their "emergency" line, we were on hold for an hour and the person we spoke with was not reassuring. Tonight after work we will go over to take pictures, but I am concerned that we will not be compensated. We are fully booked through the summer and this bad experience has made us feel very skiddish about future renters. I am so disappointed in airbnb for not reaching out to make us feel supported when this is so violating. From reading posts in the community center, it sounds like it takes a bad rental to make hosts prepared for future situations - I wish airbnb would tell hosts about how to handle this IN ADVANCE before it happens, so we were prepared. Just looking to vent here and see if anyone has suggestions - thanks! 

1 Best Answer

The only way you can prevent this type of thing (and I am very sorry it happened to you) is the restrict your booking criteria. 'No parties; no guests without references; no guests without full ID; no guests who book under another person's ID. I insist on this, and it really doesn't seem to limit the bookings I receive. Again - I'm sorry your had this experience. Kind wishes Kim 

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@John2504   In my own experience being a host I had a very similar experience, I can leave you a link if you want to read about it.  Yes I filed a damage claim with AirBnB and I got the full value of my claim.  But honestly this was such a nightmare, I truly would have rather never gone through it.  This is my home, there is no money worth this. 


  I had to stay with my parents while I fixed the place up (the commute to work from their house is NOT  the same), and all my spare time was sunk into repairing the damage.  It took a LOT of time, a few weeks.  I even spent a TREMENDOUS amount of time preparing my home BEFORE the guest arrived, so as to minimize the amount of damage that could have been done in the first place, but I guess I just wasnt thinking creatively enough. 


  I am NOT a hotel.  My home cannot endure the kind of damage that the bottomless creativity of the general public is capable of inflicting. 



     It's terrible - we as hosts should seriously get together and form a group to LEAVE AirBnB or put pressure on the organizaiton.


     This is unacceptable.  I have just forked out my own money for a mess caused by a renter.


     Let me know what you think?

ultimately the critical flaw of a low-trust network is that it can not deliver a quality product reliably.  you may get a good experience, but it's only by luck.  there are no tangible guarentees.  our experince with this isn't new.  other businesses in decades past have experimented with this idea suffered the same lessons. 


we complain from the host side, but tenants also have their issues.  i know, i've been on that side of it too!  like i said.  "hotel by owner" is a crapshoot.  you can do some things to mitigate your fortunes in this business.  but whether or not all that effort is really worth it, all depends on where you are and what you're doing.  this is not for everyone.  i'm not so sure it's for me anymore either. 


i know of conglomerates which, instead of computer automation, they have an actual agent book the stay.  it's flexible term just like airbnb, but the agent checks the client and gets the appropriate securities.  it used to be that way back in the day.  but everything kinda centralized to airbnb.  to try something like that is risky and business will be slow but the types of clients who search for you might be a better cut than what you get from a low-trust network.

We as host need to bombard Airbnb with messages about supporting the host.  There is such little help to the hosts and all the punitive damages are inflicted on the hosts from bad guests.  I have already written to Airbnb and hope other hosts do the same.

Can you send me your link to read about it?  We had our first experience and isn’t what we expected?