Guests of guest leaving house in a mess

Level 2
Rosanna, Australia

Guests of guest leaving house in a mess

I am unsure what to do and how to write a honest review about my last guest.

I was told by this first time guest that there would be 6 people staying at my house for 3 nights. Everything with the booking was ok and he seemed nice. He asked if they could bring a dog and I confirmed that there were not pets allowed he seemed ok with that.

After they checked out and I went to the house I found a real mess. Pasta sauce on walls, dried food stains on lounge suit, half eaten fruit on the floor, sticky marks on the new rug, empty wine bottles on window ledge, reading novels wet and left on the bedroom floor, jigsaw puzzle pieces all over the lounge room floor, damaged blind, burnt on marks on new saucepans and so on..........but the thing that really annoyed me were the 2 wet toilet rolls left in the bathroom vanity drawer!!! Who does that.

I texted the guest to ask if there was a medical emergency as the resusitation mask and other items were used/missing from the brand new first aid kit. He replied that he only stayed 1 night as his young son was ill with gastro and took him to hospital and didn't return to the house however his guests stayed on at the house. He said he would ask his guests if anything happened but I haven't heard back. 

It took my husband and I (8 hours) to clean the house and wash everything as there were dirty marks fingerprints everywhere.

I am unsure if I should contact the guest again and explain that his guests left the house in such a state and perhaps risk him writing a bad review about me. Or do I not say anything to him and just leave an honest review about what his guests did??

1 Best Answer
Level 6
Oviedo, Spain

What an unpleasant experience! 😕 I had something similar happen once, though not nearly as bad as what you describe, and was also in a quandary about whether or not to write a bad review. In the end I opted for writing the guest privately saying how disappointed I was with the state they left the apartment in, and that was not done on airbnb - we're private home owners sharing our apartment, not some hotel to be trashed! I think they have to be informed that that is no ok so they don't do it again! I  then left them a review saying something very neutral( ie "guest was friendly and arrved on time"), but i gave them 1 star for cleanliness and a thumbs down review. Bear in mind that the guest only sees the text you write about them, not how many stars you give them or if you give them a thumbs down. You can also tell airbnb privately about the mess they left. If they get several reviews like that airbnb gets in touch with the user and gives them a warning.

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30 Replies 30

Truthfully, I have not had an Airbnb guest that has not tried to talk down my price, or leave my home like other guests from other booking sites!