Has a guest ever changed your perspective/outlook on life?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Has a guest ever changed your perspective/outlook on life?

Quite naturally, there tends to be a lot of posts in the CC about guests who aren’t as positive as we’d like, and situations that could be better- and huge amounts of support from amazing hosts!


I’m sure everyone has had some amazing experiences with guests through their time hosting- we probably just talk about them less- so I thought I’d share a couple of mine with you:


-I hosted a couple from Mexico who were on the final leg of a European road trip and spent 3 nights with me. We were chatting over breakfast, I said I bet they didn’t want to go home!


One of them said he COULD NOT wait to get back to work, as he missed it so much! I looked totally shocked, and he said he loves his job so much and feels so much passion for it he doesn’t feel like he works at all....the next day I updated my CV and started looking for a new job!


-I hosted an artists assistant who was visiting London to set up a piece of work for the artist she works for, and she invited me to have a walk round the exhibition before the private view and opening.


It was an exhibition of various video artists, the space was HUGE and there was no one there apart from me, it was so empty!  I sat and watched one work which was a video piece of a film of a band playing the same song over and over- I sat in that room for half an hour watching it and got so lost in it I came out feeling amazing about life.


My guest helped me to discover a part of London that was totally deserted (at least in that pre-opening moment) that I would never have found myself and it felt like magic!


Have you hosted guests that have changed your perspective or outlook on life in a positive way? I’d be glad to hear your stories.


Paul 🙂 


52 Replies 52
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Sounds like you get a lot from hosting @Sarah977 which is great to hear!

So nice that you have learnt from all of your guests and wonderful they feel comfortable enough to share those really personal moments with you...certainly a sign of your great character 🙂 

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


Marianne from country New South Wales booked to stay for 4 days during one of our hotter months. 

Her reason for coming was to attend the wedding of one of her pupils at a local venue. She proudly informed us she was regarded as Australia's top junior swimming coach....wow, this I would look forward to.

The day arrived and a mobility impared taxi pulled up out the front of our property and Marianne emerged. She was huge, quite the largest woman I have ever encountered. You see them larger in TV programs where obesity has them at deaths door. Marianne could not walk unaided, She had a crutch attached to her right arm and the taxi driver took her left arm and helped her up the driveway.

I was shocked....how could this be, this was nothing like the woman depicted in the profile photo, this had disaster written all over it. My listing was just not equipped for someone of these proportions and mobility. 

Well here she was and Paul, I was annoyed, I had been duped, this woman was full of it....Australia's top swimming coach....this woman would empty a pool, not fill one!!

We helped Marriane into the listing and got her onto the bed, and the taxi driver was gone....she was perspiring profusely and all I wanted to do was rush to my computer and up my public liability cover!

She kept pretty much to herself the first day and I was like a straw blowing in the wind. I didn't know if I should hire a 'bobcat' to help with getting her around!!! ....Saturday was hot, around 37C and she came out of the cottage door and over to where I was sitting on our verandah. I asked her to sit with me and asked if she would like a cup of tea. She accepted, Adrienne came out and the three of us started to talk. She stopped and started to cry, and related how circumstances had brought her to this point. When she started to gain weight her husband shot through, her family largely abandoned her and she ended up in a small country town with her memories and little else. We consoled her as best we could and she slowly opened up and turn out to be a wonderful conversationist...although I still believed little of what she said.



The morning of the wedding and the bridegroom arrived to pick her up. He was indeed one of Australia's leading swimmers and had Olympic gold to his name. He put his arm around Marianne and proudly said...."I could not have done it without this woman"!!

Here was Marianne's review.....


As I said in my review response Paul,   you never judge a book by it's cover!





Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Absolutely wonderful @Robin4 and so great to hear about your experience with this guest and her positive experience too.

I know for me at least, from a profile picture and the way guests communicate I always build up a picture of how I think they will be...and more often that not they are nothing how I imagined them to be!

Well done for being a great MALE host 😊



Thanks for the topic and the experience you shared with us here!


I have many stories - but the most important thing which changed my lookung into the future and life - after 2 years as a host - is that I should complain as little as possible and try to find or at leasr propose a solution to any problem and obstacle. Oh, if only you knew how much I would like to see You and Huma in person in London... One day, perhaps... 



Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Lilly28 I love your insight! Certainly finding solutions to problems is a wonderful and positive approach that makes sense and causes so much less stress.


Come to London for a visit, you're so welcome and I know a great Airbnb..... 😉

We have a mountain home in Crestone, CO that we rent out which is about 3.5 hours away from our City home. I pdf our guests written directions on safest paved roads, Area Attractions, and a ‘Welcome’ note w their 4 digit front door code and WiFi code, etc. 


Unfortunately, we rarely meet our guests face to face. But we just got back from a trip to France, Monte Carlo, & Venice Italy, and stayed in Airbnb homes at each spot.  In Europe, we grew anxious that at each rental, we had to coordinate w the hosts about meeting them, so that they could hand off the keys, in each instance. It’s a mental challenge, arriving in a foreign country, w not much knowledge of the local language, trying to time when you’ll get to the property after riding public transit that’s always confusing at first. So we’d be stressed out on our way to these ‘key-hand-off’ host meet-ups. 

But by doing that bit of ‘face to face connection’ w each of them, we felt like we now have new friends in France & Italy that we’ve since invited to come visit w us in Colorado.


One host walked us around the area to show us where the local grocery store was, etc etc. Others helped show us how ancient (But Secure) tricky door locks worked or how to use the shower, etc.


So w each of those European arrivals, we were stressed out w finding the property w our luggage, after finding our way from the airport or train station, to meet the host at a particular time, so they could basically hand us the key and show us the property, but once we met them, we created new friends that we were so happy to meet, that will always be a meaningful part of our trip memories. So for you hosts out there that go the extra mile to meet your guests, and have them in your homes; keep up the good work, Because you’re building new friendships with travelers who are at first ‘strangers’ in a strange place. Your connections help make the world a much friendlier, warmer, and brighter place! Hurray for you! 

Ah fantastic @Becky-and-Ryan0 to have a perspective on your experience as a guest- it certainly can be stressful finding your way in a new place, getting there on time, dragging your luggage...we always have to take this into account when we first meet a new guest, I thank you for that reminder.


I try and treat all my guests as I'd like to feel when I arrive- warmly welcomed, comfortable, at ease and at home.


Now this is easy to do if you're there in person, harder if you're not....so your welcome pack sounds spot on and a great welcome for your guests 🙂

I feel this @Becky-and-Ryan0


I live in the building where we rent an apartment and work from home so it's easier for me to welcome guests in person... but sometimes, as a mother of 3, working while they're at school, i feel very tempted by the clever locks, codes, self check in thing. It would be much easier. But.


At the same time, i know my guests appreciate a bit of guidance (or not, that's fine also), wich i'm happy to provide if they need it. It's also a selfish/selfcare thing : i'm quite sure it's harder to disrespect house rules or trash a house when you've met an actual human being who happens to live right upstairs.


Wishing you all the best and further travels!

Level 10
Montreal, Canada

Love this thread!


Nothing life changing for me either, but in 2016 i hosted this retired teacher, Karine, the most beautiful old lady i'd seen. She was travelling the world to perfect and practice the seven languages she speaks and learn more, staying a full month in every city she visited. Even if i rent a separate apartment, we had tea a few times in my apartment. She wanted to pet my cat because she missed hers so much, i tought that was really cute.


I think about her often, when i get old i want to be like her.


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

What a lovely and interesting guest @Kim87 !

It sounds like Karine made quite an impact on you if you still think of her now and would like to be like her when you get older...that’s so wonderful 🙂 

Level 10
Sydney, Australia

I apologise for my sarcastic response that was subsequently deleted by Admin.  It was by no means serious. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Hugh0


Thanks for your response here, this is a relief to hear, I was worried. 


I've actually just sent you a message. 🙂





Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Sorry to cause alarm. Just venting my frustration.  Thank you for your concern.


It is sad that Airbnb is losing loyal hosts like me to other platforms because of years of disappointment. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Just had a look at your profile @Hugh0 5 beautiful listings and close to 1000 reviews! 

I can’t imagine the energy and determination (and the ups and downs) that goes into creating and maintaining all of that. Regardless of whatever happened earlier- total respect to you 🙂 

@Hugh0   I saw it before it got deleted. It was pretty obvious that you were being sarcastic, it didn't conjure up visions of you actually standing out on a ledge about to end it all because of a challenging guest 🙂

I can be pretty sarcastic myself. It always surprises me when people think I'm actually serious.